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Has anyone here seen David Attenborough's documentary on climate change? What did you think? Will it change the way you live? If so, how?

Posted - December 6, 2019


  • 14795
    Yes, I watch him on every single programes  makes or appears in....Why we don't elect people like him into politics and as world leaders I will never understand...
    No one in big business would vote for people like him as they would loose to much money instantly ..
    The world will continue to eat sleep and exist living its own crap until it's far to late to do anything about it....most  likely that time is long past already I think...
    How do you cleans the oceans of plastic waste and chemicals that enter it globally on a hourly can't and I don't think man will ever try....
    We are eating fish still that are ingesting our waste and we all know it an stiill do nothing ..:(
      December 7, 2019 3:54 AM MST

  • 4624
    I watch all his shows too. For decades he has filled me with the wonder, beauty and magnificence of wildlife on this planet and how various species interact with each other and their environment. Apart from my direct experience of living in nature every day, he shows me how it is beyond my tiny corner of the world.
    I doubt that anyone like him would ever stand of election - they wouldn't have the thick skin to endure the horrors of the job. But I think the danger is so great that we should draft him, or a climate scientist, and then surround them with every protection possible so they could get the job done.
    Sadly, I agree that the world will continue polluting even while the mop-up, repair and adaptation efforts occur.
    We do have efforts underway to clean up the oceans. The yachtsman, Ian Kiernan, started the Clean Up Australia campaign in 1989 and, in 1993, a similar Clean Up the World operation. Every year, thousands of boating people go out on special missions to collect thousands of tonnes of garbage. Last year one group cleaned up the coastline of an entire Pacific island. It was two mountainous to be inhabited by people, but ocean currents had drifted the islands of plastic to its shores, preventing wildlife from accessing the sea for food. That one group managed to clear away every scrap and will now return every year before spring to clear the island.
    There are scientists inventing ways to clump the plastic so it can be more easily removed.
    We need to boycott all single-use plastic products and pass legislation to ban their production. This could be phased in very quickly in every country.
    The eating fish thing is odd. Fish continues to be over-caught, and people continue eating it with the idea that it's healthy - somehow unaware or forgetting that it's now riddled with plastic nanoparticles that will get into their bodies, can't be eliminated and may be carcinogenic.

    Keeping climate change down to 1.5ºC will be a much harder task. The momentum within the atmosphere is already so great that every country will have to pull together within the next ten years to achieve it - and personally, I like you Nice Jugs - I'm not optimistic that they will. I'm in a chronic state of eco-depression and despair about it.
    Eco-depression has become a new word in the language. It's a state felt by every environmentally aware person on the planet - and it has a crippling effect. People think, 'why bother making the effort to fight when it's already too late?' That's why this last window of ten years is so vital.

    Let's hope these conversations begin to change how each of us live.
      December 7, 2019 12:12 PM MST

  • 14795
    They say at least eight millions tons of plastic waste ends up in the oceans each 30 years time in 2050 it's predicted to be around fifty million tons ...
    I can't see any environmentalist ever getting elected ,until,it's far to late....people it seems need to be shocked into doing things they've known about for decades and get by by keeping their fingers crossed ,hoping that one day it will all just disapear...
      December 7, 2019 3:19 PM MST

  • 4624

    I guess humanity has lived like this since its first emergence into industrial cultures. :(
    We are too good at imagining that our tiny individual contributions don't make a difference,
    when in reality they are always part of a collective phenomenon and every drop does matter.
      December 8, 2019 1:24 AM MST

  • 5391

    I have. Attenborough puts in his usual stellar effort to explore what we are inflicting on our planet. The film should be required instruction in every school, IMO. 

    It sickens and annoys me, not only the damage our species has done, and are doing, essentially unabated to the world, but that there is so little action on any serious governmental level (and I speak particularly of the insipidly stupid, feckless, laughingstock POTUS and his bootlicking disciples, who continue to not only deny the rising threat, while spewing the lamest of “reasoning” in the face of the evidence, but are also actively scrubbing Climate Change language from official govt literature!). We might wonder what will it take to move as a unified effort toward coherently addressing what will become an existential crisis for future generations. Signing toothless accords have been little more than vain photo ops for puffed-up diplomats eating catered grub and flying chartered jets.
    Our descendants will not remember these efforts fondly, as they will pay the inevitable costs for this generation‘s failures.

    We in my circle have been reducing our own footprint where we can, pi$$ing in the wind though it may be. We went solar about three years ago, like many of our neighbors, despite the legal impediments enacted in our state by cretinous former Fla Gov Rick Scott, pandering to the local utility. Scott is yet another BRAIN-DAMAGED CREATIONIST enriching himself in public office, who (surprise!) dismisses science and evidence, in part because he truly thinks Jesus is soon to be at hand. How nice. All while the southern tip of his home state steadily sinks below the rising seas. Some vision for the future. He is now a US Senator from Fla; how friggin’ perfect is that? 

    We can’t teach closed minds, or legislate good reasoning skills, but I think keeping these subjects out in the light of public discourse will have a useful affect,...eventually. 
    I don’t think all is yet lost, but that time is closer than many, such as those I’ve mentioned, realize. 

    This post was edited by Don Barzini at December 7, 2019 2:17 PM MST
      December 7, 2019 6:32 AM MST

  • 4624
    I feel an anger similar to yours, Don Barzini.
    The Australian government, currently conservative, has the same problem with the inaction on climate change under our current Prime Minister, Scott Morrison. We have the best conditions in the world for running on solar energy - so much so that we could power ourselves and the whole of South-East Asia. Wind, hydro, solar-thermal and gigantic Tesla batteries could keep power running when the sun doesn't shine. 

    In my corner of the world, Far North Coast NSW (from Bellingen to the Queensland border), we're like many Californians. We've been going green for the last 40 years. We have community power companies which share the energy drawn from domestic rooftops. Most of us carry own bags and containers to buy whole foods, shop at the local farmers' markets, ride bicycles, walk, catch buses and trains, and live in solar passive and active houses. About 15% of us are in some way contributing money or labour to environmentalist activism.

    I agree with you that even as large as your area and mine are, we are still so tiny compared to the scale of the planet, that our efforts are like pissing in the wind. It makes me feel cripplingly sad at times.
    And yet I feel that we must keep making every effort that we can.

    Thank you for your reply, Don Barzini. I really appreciate it.

    This post was edited by inky at December 8, 2019 1:25 AM MST
      December 7, 2019 12:31 PM MST

  • 5391

    We visited Spain last August, and saw an enormous solar energy facility there. I don’t recall the figures of how much was being generated, but it was a sizable portion of the national production, and costs next to nothing to operate, with zero greenhouse emissions. There are plans for 3 more.

    It is a wonder to me how there aren’t already a proliferation of such solar plants worldwide. Think of making the entire Sahara a source of energy for the world, in stead of oil. How the world’s economies would change.  Given the climate and open spaces in The Outback, are there any plans in Australia to apply this technology there?  

    Another aspect of planetary crisis we seldom hear enough about, is the dwindling reserves of untainted fresh water, and particularly the ancient underground aquifers. These are not readily replenished, and increasingly polluted where they still remain. 

    Where are our so-called national “leaders” in the face of an unprecedented threat to the world? Does anyone still think politicians really care about tending the people’s business?

      December 7, 2019 1:55 PM MST

  • 4624
    There are around 53 solar thermal stations around the world.

    They are designed for particular outputs ranging from 50 to 510 megawatts. Apart from the 22 in Spain, there are eight in the USA, two in Israel, three in India, five in China, six in South Africa, one each in Morrocco, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the UAE.

    More solar thermal stations are currently being built: UAE 1, Morrocco 2, Chile 1, China 8.

    More are now being planned: China 5, Chile 3, Morrocco 2, Spain, 2, & one each in Iran, UAE, Kuwait, South Africa and Greece.

    The interesting thing is that big business is starting to realise the necessity for change - and the profitability in renewable technologies - long before national governments. As they do, the costs of mass production come down for home consumers and for industry.

    This post was edited by inky at December 8, 2019 5:52 AM MST
      December 8, 2019 1:16 AM MST

  • 5391
    Some hope exists, it seems. 
      December 8, 2019 5:54 AM MST

  • 44765
    I would have shown it to my students.
      December 7, 2019 1:09 PM MST

  • 44765
    It hasn't reached our shores yet. I will, of course, watch it. I always watch his programs.

      December 7, 2019 8:14 AM MST

  • 4624
    You can watch it on your computer now if you wish:

    You'll discover that climate change is already affecting the USA in a number of significant ways.
    Louisiana is sinking under rising seawater.
    California is experiencing unprecedented severity, frequency and size of wildfires.
    The far north is experiencing increasingly severe snows and freezes (jet stream fluctuations.)
    Catastrophic hurricanes are hitting Puerto Rico and Florida with increasing frequency.
    The permafrost in the Alaskan tundra is melting and will release its methane into the atmosphere.
      December 7, 2019 12:38 PM MST

  • 44765
    Thanks...I will. I believe it is also causing the incredible drought you are having.
      December 7, 2019 1:08 PM MST