I have. Attenborough puts in his usual stellar effort to explore what we are inflicting on our planet. The film should be required instruction in every school, IMO.
It sickens and annoys me, not only the damage our species has done, and are doing, essentially unabated to the world, but that there is so little action on any serious governmental level (and I speak particularly of the insipidly stupid, feckless, laughingstock POTUS and his bootlicking disciples, who continue to not only deny the rising threat, while spewing the lamest of “reasoning” in the face of the evidence, but are also actively scrubbing Climate Change language from official govt literature!). We might wonder what will it take to move as a unified effort toward coherently addressing what will become an existential crisis for future generations. Signing toothless accords have been little more than vain photo ops for puffed-up diplomats eating catered grub and flying chartered jets.
Our descendants will not remember these efforts fondly, as they will pay the inevitable costs for this generation‘s failures.
We in my circle have been reducing our own footprint where we can, pi$$ing in the wind though it may be. We went solar about three years ago, like many of our neighbors, despite the legal impediments enacted in our state by cretinous former Fla Gov Rick Scott, pandering to the local utility. Scott is yet another BRAIN-DAMAGED CREATIONIST enriching himself in public office, who (surprise!) dismisses science and evidence, in part because he truly thinks Jesus is soon to be at hand. How nice. All while the southern tip of his home state steadily sinks below the rising seas. Some vision for the future. He is now a US Senator from Fla; how friggin’ perfect is that?
We can’t teach closed minds, or legislate good reasoning skills, but I think keeping these subjects out in the light of public discourse will have a useful affect,...eventually.
I don’t think all is yet lost, but that time is closer than many, such as those I’ve mentioned, realize.
We visited Spain last August, and saw an enormous solar energy facility there. I don’t recall the figures of how much was being generated, but it was a sizable portion of the national production, and costs next to nothing to operate, with zero greenhouse emissions. There are plans for 3 more.
It is a wonder to me how there aren’t already a proliferation of such solar plants worldwide. Think of making the entire Sahara a source of energy for the world, in stead of oil. How the world’s economies would change. Given the climate and open spaces in The Outback, are there any plans in Australia to apply this technology there?
Another aspect of planetary crisis we seldom hear enough about, is the dwindling reserves of untainted fresh water, and particularly the ancient underground aquifers. These are not readily replenished, and increasingly polluted where they still remain.
Where are our so-called national “leaders” in the face of an unprecedented threat to the world? Does anyone still think politicians really care about tending the people’s business?