easy as pie
How can I stay physically healthy when my not emotionally attached to anyone? That doesn't make sense. When my what is not emotionally attached to anyone?
I dunno..I'm a nut..s'cuse. *HJ#@XB>:"#VVGm ZZZZZZZ
Permalink Reply by CosmicWunderkind just now Delete
What is that link supposed to be, Cosmic? When I click on it, all I see is a blank "Google" page with no info or image or video or whatever.
Become emotionally attached to yourself. Look into a mirror and [delight in what you see]. :-)
Huh? WTF?
Alone is the best I've ever been left.
That is the reason one is healthy.
not sure how but thats a good question
I dunno..I'm a nut..s'cuse. *HJ#@XB>:"#VVGm ZZZZZZZ