I don't know about how many ways, but day will turn into nights and nights into days, and back again several times during the year. Seasons will be changing weather over the years too. Basically we will cut the length of a year by just above 30%.
Whatever way you want to chop up a day, the Earth has known shorter days in its natural history. When the earth was young a day was about eight hours. The moon was an imposing presence in the sky, at one time being about 40,000 miles away or less (as opposed to the current 240,000). In the time since, the moon's velocity has allowed it to escape about 3 cm per year and tidal forces have slowed the rotation of both bodies. The moon, in fact, rotates at the same rate that it orbits, so the same face is toward Earth all the time in its 28-day cycle.
(It's nice to see you back, by the way.)
Oh dread. No. There aren't enough hours in the day now. My body works on a 26 hour clock. That's why if I don't stay vigilant and disciplined, my sleep schedule continually will change . I haven't been for the past few months. I'm going to work on that soon........just any day now.
Not much would change. We are already a rushed 24/7 globalized society.
Who would know the difference to notice?
Me. My body works on a 26 hour day. I have to be very disciplined to stay on a 24 hour day. When I'm not, I will go to bed two hours later each day than I did the night (or day) before.
we'd have even less time to do anything