I have An acquaintance of mine has quite a large number of documents, photos, other pieces of information that need to be shredded right away, and then the scraps bur... more
I have An acquaintance of mine has quite a large number of documents, photos, other pieces of information that need to be shredded right away, and then the scraps burned,and then the ashes scattered in the winds of the Himalayas. I have My acquaintance has been to five different businesses where they expect me my acquaintance to toss the “evidence” into a so-called “secure” bin and walk away, trusting that they will be shredded later without anybody going through them, using them to their advantage, blackmailing me my acquaintance, selling them on the open market, calling in the authorities, etc. (This is an urgent necessity, there are certain actions that have taken place that might tip off a certain Australian, or a Minnesotan, or an evil Queenpin, or Investigators looking into untoward activities that may or may not have been at my acquaintance’s hand. Cough, cough.)
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When a person add some water and mix it with gas to make more money and not lose or give away as much gas from it, should anyone try do that, or do you think anybody should not do ... moreWhen a person add some water and mix it with gas to make more money and not lose or give away as much gas from it, should anyone try do that, or do you think anybody should not do it at all?See how many would vote to not to do it!
It’s a time-sensitive deal, if I sign now, they’ll throw in a free 60 days of their Vegemite diffuser plan. I don’t want to miss this opportunity, I... more
It’s a time-sensitive deal, if I sign now, they’ll throw in a free 60 days of their Vegemite diffuser plan. I don’t want to miss this opportunity, I just need your opinions; should I also get the extended warranty?
The one who is in Australia ships Vegemite to the country of the one who is in the United States, while the one who is in the United States ships peanut butter to the one who is in... moreThe one who is in Australia ships Vegemite to the country of the one who is in the United States, while the one who is in the United States ships peanut butter to the one who is in Australia. These two business partners are expected to exhibit due diligence and good faith in doing the utmost to assist in selling the other’s product when the shipments arrive, thereby creating the incentive to perform well on fiduciary grounds, regardless of utter distain for the other‘s national product.
WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG? (Grrrrrrrr. Vile Vegemite. Yuck!) ~ less
Trump just started selling assassination attempt sneakers. I think he would make way more money if he sold assassination attempt drops of blood – maybe he would even be ghoul... moreTrump just started selling assassination attempt sneakers. I think he would make way more money if he sold assassination attempt drops of blood – maybe he would even be ghoulish and tap Erick for blood well he is sleeping. Cheers!
Could also be a person in a leadership row not just the boss. Agree or are they just mad the younger workers are telling them no. https://www.forbes.com/sites/cherylrobin... moreCould also be a person in a leadership row not just the boss. Agree or are they just mad the younger workers are telling them no. https://www.forbes.com/sites/cherylrobinson/2024/05/03/how-the-sex-recession-is-affecting-workplace-leadership-team-members/?sh=3d558b5e2aef(Keep it clean)
What would happen if there's a very large dollar store-they have nearly everything in that dollar store, and everything in that dollar store cost only a dollar:even the toaster ove... moreWhat would happen if there's a very large dollar store-they have nearly everything in that dollar store, and everything in that dollar store cost only a dollar:even the toaster oven that you can heat foods with is only a dollar, even a watch that looks expensive with second & date hands is only a dollar, even the tractor that you can ride on is only a dollar, etc. ?Then how many customers would go to that dollar store?How fast will the items be brought out?Until how many items will they have left-in what length of time?And how grateful would each of the customers will be & how many would be grateful? less
Sometimes, they don't understand the issue about which I'm calling and, even when they do, it's hard to understand their replies. I'm getting so tired of having to strain to ... moreSometimes, they don't understand the issue about which I'm calling and, even when they do, it's hard to understand their replies. I'm getting so tired of having to strain to understand the service reps with heavy accents.