Surely he can't run the risk of Americans reading the inscription at her feet?"Give me your tired, your poorYour huddled masses yearning to breathe free,The wretched refuse of your... moreSurely he can't run the risk of Americans reading the inscription at her feet?"Give me your tired, your poorYour huddled masses yearning to breathe free,The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"Seems to describe the Syrian refugees.
Hello:Are you giving holocaust deniers a WINK and a NOD????We KNOW the alt-right has a home in the Trump White House. We KNOW the alt-right DENIES the holocaust. Certai... moreHello:Are you giving holocaust deniers a WINK and a NOD????We KNOW the alt-right has a home in the Trump White House. We KNOW the alt-right DENIES the holocaust. Certainly, it COULD just be a rookie mistake. Or it COULD be something else. But, when CONFRONTED with their statements, both Reince Priebus and Hope Hicks DOUBLED DOWN..So, I'll answer my own question.. Trump IS an antisemite!!! I don't care if his son-in-law is a Jew. less
In Australia a politician is actually required to abstain from voting on bills that could present a conflict of interest. However, Tronald Dump's Muslim ban excludes persons ... moreIn Australia a politician is actually required to abstain from voting on bills that could present a conflict of interest. However, Tronald Dump's Muslim ban excludes persons from Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt and Lebanon, despite every single foreign terrorist action on US soil (including 9/11) being perpetrated by citizens of these countries. Could this be because he does business there?
We know that Prince Charles is a very keen environmentalist and has written a book about climate change... so we can see why Trump is getting itchy about meeting Prince Charles...&... moreWe know that Prince Charles is a very keen environmentalist and has written a book about climate change... so we can see why Trump is getting itchy about meeting Prince Charles... Prince Charles/the organisers of State visits have been told by Trump's people that Trump doesn't want a lecture about climate change.. Apparently Trump wants all the pomp and ceremony and to be treated like he's important... we do that stuff well here.. but there's a process, an order, a protocol and the format IS that Prince Charles greets the visiting dignities...Do you think Trump, visiting another country should be able to dictate such things?
More to the point does anyone really think Prince Charles or anyone here's going to listen or give in to Trump's demands?I am no royalist but tee hee there are times I LOVE Prince Charles less
The countries in the temporary ban are countries that Pres Obama designated as terror supporters. Why were Obama's and Carter's bans legal but not Pres Trump's?