Lose a chess piece? Need new footwear, clothing, kitchen/household/office stuff, personal stuff (eyeglasses etc) almost anything...Your household 3D printer can produce almost any ... moreLose a chess piece? Need new footwear, clothing, kitchen/household/office stuff, personal stuff (eyeglasses etc) almost anything...Your household 3D printer can produce almost any kind of thing any time you need it.
Do you believe in the existence of "dark matter" or "dark energy" (Please don't flame me, I know how interconnected they are)? Are they just a convenient cop out to explain a REALL... moreDo you believe in the existence of "dark matter" or "dark energy" (Please don't flame me, I know how interconnected they are)? Are they just a convenient cop out to explain a REALLY difficult problem?
ke "incorrect time" must connect to internet to give you accurate time. Is this but a ploy used to update the makers that be on your activities? A snitching tool have you?
es it no wonder we have a hard time at it. Is the whole system of work for pay and livelihood becoming obsolete in a world with far more people than there are jobs for them to do?
It's true.The Thompson's mechanism of operation was based on a speculation called the Blisch effect. Named after A naval Commander, the theory was that two dissimilar metals... moreIt's true.The Thompson's mechanism of operation was based on a speculation called the Blisch effect. Named after A naval Commander, the theory was that two dissimilar metals will adhere to each other under extreme pressures. Thompson used this theory and listed it as the method of operation in his patents. In reality though the Blisch effect doesn't exist as would later be proven and observed. the design still proved successful and reliable despite this, and while it was designed as " Blisch lock" design. It turns out it was just another straight blow back design firing from an open blt. The Blisch effect has no bearing on it's operation in reality. The idea was this Blisch effect would temporarily lock the bolt closed against the barrel until chamber pressure dropped for the effect to cease. Luckily for Thomson the design worked on the proven blowback operation principles and the only thing holding the bolt closed while being fried is rthe heavy recoil spring. less
On what basis do we choose to accept peer reviewed proofs of science?How well do we understand what scientists and science journalism report to us?How does it affect our world view... moreOn what basis do we choose to accept peer reviewed proofs of science?How well do we understand what scientists and science journalism report to us?How does it affect our world view and our faith?