IF the powers that be actually extincts TWITTER can the twits who tweet sue the powers that be?I mean they can't sue TWITTER since it will no longer exist. The bad guy in all of th... moreIF the powers that be actually extincts TWITTER can the twits who tweet sue the powers that be?I mean they can't sue TWITTER since it will no longer exist. The bad guy in all of this will be IT (te powers that be).I wonder what would happen if a class action lawsuit of all Twitterers hit IT. How many millions would be the plaintiffs?
A CHESSMASTER takes on everyone. A CHESSMASTER can play multiple games at a time and keep track of all lof them.No one can beat a CHESSMASTER but another CHESSMASTER.None of the pi... moreA CHESSMASTER takes on everyone. A CHESSMASTER can play multiple games at a time and keep track of all lof them.No one can beat a CHESSMASTER but another CHESSMASTER.None of the pieces has a life of its own. All of the pieces are dependent upon the whims of the player.Of course you know where I'm going with this.How masterful a CHESSMASTER is the powers that be in your opinion? So far no one has bested IT. This CHESSMASTER IS QUEERLY PECULIAR. One of a kind. Plays by its own rules and forces those upon all opponents. The rulles keep changing to keep all opponents off balance. Will it take an EQUALLY QUEERKY PECULIAR chessmaster to best IT?If you were a betting person on whom would you place your bet? The devil we know or the yet-to-be unknown devil we don't? less
Not only do they rationalize and justify it they advertise promulgate the virtues of it.They become advocates for it and the most effective among them proselytize and gain converts... moreNot only do they rationalize and justify it they advertise promulgate the virtues of it.They become advocates for it and the most effective among them proselytize and gain converts for "the cause"..Is that a defect a condition a tragedy? Being puppets of madmen?During the Second World War in France there were collaborators. The Vichy government sucked up to the Nazis and did their bidding and turned on their own country's citizens. Betrayers traitors they were.What causes this to occur? Some die fighting against it while others become part of it.A defect of nature or nurture? less
I wanted to be a "grown up" so I could do what I wanted to do...not what I was told I should do or could do.But not all of us are alike. Apparently some children grow up and still ... moreI wanted to be a "grown up" so I could do what I wanted to do...not what I was told I should do or could do.But not all of us are alike. Apparently some children grow up and still NEED/WANT/REQUIRE being told what they can/cannot do or think or say. That's why there are groups of like-minded ilk with strict rules. Political parties are among the most notorious of the genre. Also hate groups. I mean you can't be a good Nazi and love humankind without exception. Your hates have got to be in line with the philosophy of the group.So kids do what they are told to do. Many adults do too. Extended childhood or arrested development?Some or possibly many grownups do what they are told to do to believe in to espouse and luxuriate in it. They are just old kids aren't they? Never grew up to decide for themselves but immediately got sucked into some group that told them what they could/could not do/think/say. The "leaders" are the parents with strict rules that you will follow if you know what's good for you.And so it goes. less
Can anyone/everyone be BRAINWASHED?If the information is repeated often enough will it sink in soak in an become the "truth" for the brainwashable among us?What causes so many to b... moreCan anyone/everyone be BRAINWASHED?If the information is repeated often enough will it sink in soak in an become the "truth" for the brainwashable among us?What causes so many to be docile and easily led? What need is it within them to subject themselves to the control of others? Are they lost on their own and NEED others to guide them?