There would be a delay in posting and if it were found to be "misleading" or a lie it would never post?Of course opinions based on personal taste would be very tricky to assess. I ... moreThere would be a delay in posting and if it were found to be "misleading" or a lie it would never post?Of course opinions based on personal taste would be very tricky to assess. I might think someone was averagely ok lookswise and you might think the opposite. That would be a lot harder. Or I'd think someone was very smart and you'd think that person was very dumb. Murky fuzzy hard to assess which was truer.Setting that aside outright lies innuendos conspiracy theories based on nothing but the desire to harm others would simply never see the light of day. Never happen of course unless/until the Internet becomes all-knowing.Just a thought a wish a "wouldn't it be loverly?" less
Naked faces arrogantly out and about attracting attention...not the good kind.Different strokes. They are not respectful of others. Not trustworthy. My way or the highway folks. Ho... moreNaked faces arrogantly out and about attracting attention...not the good kind.Different strokes. They are not respectful of others. Not trustworthy. My way or the highway folks. How long will they last do you think?
Go out and live your lives to the fullest however the he** ya want. Let the chips fall where they may.Your parents you your mate your kids. SO WHAT SO WHAT SO WHAT?
Any of you have parents who are racists and you aren't? How'd you escape it?Any of start off not being racists but turned for whatever reason? Your mate was racist? Your boss was r... moreAny of you have parents who are racists and you aren't? How'd you escape it?Any of start off not being racists but turned for whatever reason? Your mate was racist? Your boss was racist? Your friend was racist. So you became one too. Is it really that easy to from what you were to that you?
What in the he** is wrong with those particular racists? Would they rather die than that an Asian AMERICAN help them live?Talk about crackpot wackadoodle noodle.THE VIRUS CAME TO N... moreWhat in the he** is wrong with those particular racists? Would they rather die than that an Asian AMERICAN help them live?Talk about crackpot wackadoodle noodle.THE VIRUS CAME TO NEW YORK FROM EUROPE YOU DINGBATS! It hit the west coast from China. LOOK AT A MAP FOR GOODNESS SAKES. GET A GRIP. THINK! Out of your wheelhouse right? Not in your arsenal of weapons? THINKING IS MIA? No surprise.
Is truth once again expendable? If a license holder does nothing but transmit lies and fake conspiracies and insults and attacks and defames as it's basic format why does the FCC c... moreIs truth once again expendable? If a license holder does nothing but transmit lies and fake conspiracies and insults and attacks and defames as it's basic format why does the FCC continue to allow it to operate? FAUX News should be dead in the water. So too should anything coming from the fingers or mouths or gut or butt of donjohntrump. It shouldn't matter what the source or the packaging is. CONTENT should matter. Why doesn't it?Have they no DECENCY?
Because donjohntrump pulls that out of his butt every time he can't get his way. He does it immediately and does not wait for the ballot box or election time.Y'all say we the peopl... moreBecause donjohntrump pulls that out of his butt every time he can't get his way. He does it immediately and does not wait for the ballot box or election time.Y'all say we the people have it when we vote. WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG. When we have to WAIT months or years to use it and the donjohmtrump pulls it out of his butt at will whenever there is no equity or fairness. We have to level the playing field that WE THE PEOPLE OWN AND PAY FOR. The donjohntrump is a temporary hire. We the people are forever.Either he waits or we don't wait.We can call it whatever you like. WE THE PEOPLE ACTION. WEPA. After all donjohntrump is an EMPLOYEE of we the people. He is nothing more and never can be. HE WORKS FOR US (hahahahahahahahahaha). Allegedly. We know he works always and forever only for himself in reality. But he took an oath that said otherwise. I know. Once again he lied. No surprise there. He has never lived up to that oath. Never had any intention of doing so..Well two can play that game little man. WE THE PEO... less
WHADDABOUT TWITTER BANNING donjohntrump from TWITTER for his political bias and "misstatements and misleading assertions and outright lies"? Why not punish donjohntrump for all the... moreWHADDABOUT TWITTER BANNING donjohntrump from TWITTER for his political bias and "misstatements and misleading assertions and outright lies"? Why not punish donjohntrump for all the "BIAS" he has consistently shown everyone he disagrees with? You know what? We the people must strike back.
Damaged hearts lungs livers eyes brains? Life long not short-term or temporary. Getting "over" it is not what you think. Some recover completely as far as know unless other things ... moreDamaged hearts lungs livers eyes brains? Life long not short-term or temporary. Getting "over" it is not what you think. Some recover completely as far as know unless other things crop up later. Some never get "over" it. How many of them will live the rest of lives damaged?Like soliders who survive wars. Many come back maimed in body or mind or spirit. They are "survivors" but barely. Well we have another war that will not go away or ever be won completely. It will keep taking away health and lives maybe forever. It doesn't bode well for those who already are "over" it. We shall see what awaits them presently. We shall see. less
Th knee on the neck murder of another black man who said "I can't breathe". OUtrageous again. But what came after a peaceful protest began was desructive rage. That never helps at ... moreTh knee on the neck murder of another black man who said "I can't breathe". OUtrageous again. But what came after a peaceful protest began was desructive rage. That never helps at all and makes things worse.It makes the grief of those who lost a loved one turn into something ugly. Another excuse to "act out" "act up" explode. I don't buy it. The exploders float from tragedy to tragedy to get their kicks. Always the same. Always inane. Always insane. Count on it. It will continue to happen because those who get off on it wait for it and act on it and the use the initial tragedy to cause more tragedy. Why I do not know. less