You probably heard rudyg LYING about the Domion voting machines and give detailed LIES about the supposed cheating going on that the machines FACILITATED. All LIES LIES LIES.... moreYou probably heard rudyg LYING about the Domion voting machines and give detailed LIES about the supposed cheating going on that the machines FACILITATED. All LIES LIES LIES. He continues to double down on the LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES.Well Domion is suing him for $1.3 BILLION!Is rudyg a closet billionaire? Is he insured by any company for being sued for lying?
SHINEOLA brand of shoe polish once upon a time which is now history. Defunct.The expression "he doesn't know sh** from Shinola" was popular during WW2...starting somewhere in the 1... moreSHINEOLA brand of shoe polish once upon a time which is now history. Defunct.The expression "he doesn't know sh** from Shinola" was popular during WW2...starting somewhere in the 1940's!Didja know that Dolly Parton wrote a song called SHINOLA which can be found in her "Backwoods Barbie" album. The line? "You don't know love from Shinola". Who knew?Thus ends the saga/journey of "As SHINOLA turns:". We bid adieu as the sun is setting.
Ghastly if true.Why do we have doctors? Operations? Prescription drugs? Are these things of the DEVIL we must eschew?Why have any medical treatment at all. Let things take their co... moreGhastly if true.Why do we have doctors? Operations? Prescription drugs? Are these things of the DEVIL we must eschew?Why have any medical treatment at all. Let things take their course. You iive or you die. It was your time.Why not apply that to everything? Carry no insurance on anything. Don't ever plan for worst case. Don't think about it. It is GOD'S will.So you break down and what you own breaks down and your home burns down (no insurance). Just go with the flow and don't think ahead of what might happen if you don't do whatever. SIGH. less
I don't give a golly whiz if someone gets Shingles. They want the excruciating pain. So be it. SHINGLES is not a communicable disease. I won't get it if you aren't protected so fra... moreI don't give a golly whiz if someone gets Shingles. They want the excruciating pain. So be it. SHINGLES is not a communicable disease. I won't get it if you aren't protected so frankly m'dear I don't give a dam* if you do or don't do. It's your body and your neck and your long term agony. You chose it. You got it.On the other hand. Refusal to get a vaccine that would protect against jeoparding others and possibly kill them, me among them? It is my business then and so I speak out and ask what the he** is wrong with you?Do you feel you no responsibiity to them? None? It's your world and get the he** out of your way? That's it? less
Didja know there is a vaccine to prevent getting it? Or would you rather just do nothing and if you get it so what?Curiously weird. Don't go to the dentist unless something hurts. ... moreDidja know there is a vaccine to prevent getting it? Or would you rather just do nothing and if you get it so what?Curiously weird. Don't go to the dentist unless something hurts. By the time it hurts you need tooth extractions tooth implants. HUGE PAIN HUGE COST. All you had to do was preventive maintenance but not you.Different strokes. This is what dentists love. They buy palatial mansions with the money they get from people who couldn't be bothered to preventive maintenance unless they were forced into it. Go figger. less
I don't think too many Democrats would join MAGA. So it would be Independents and Republicans.Just exactly what the country desperately needs right now right now right now. A THIRD... moreI don't think too many Democrats would join MAGA. So it would be Independents and Republicans.Just exactly what the country desperately needs right now right now right now. A THIRD political party.Get on board. Leaving the station minutely.Once a MAGA always a MAGA. It's a done deal?Whatcha think and why?
THEY RUN FOR PUBLIC OFFICE. THEY EDUCATE THEMSELVES AND VOLUNTEER in the communities. They go out to help those who need it.They don't join HATE groups and plot to overthrow anythi... moreTHEY RUN FOR PUBLIC OFFICE. THEY EDUCATE THEMSELVES AND VOLUNTEER in the communities. They go out to help those who need it.They don't join HATE groups and plot to overthrow anything. They don't carry nooses and loaded guns around just in case they get to riot that day.That is what LOSERS do.WINNER accentuate the POSITIVE. LOSERS always take the violent way out. The cheap way out. THE COWARD'S WAY OUT. First they always work in mobs. TOO SCAIRDY cat to work alone. They ALWAYS TAKE THE VIOLENT WAY THE BLOODY WAY THE EVIL WAY. ALWAYS AND FOREVER THEY ARE LOSERS.That any of their children survive them and overcome the madness and the evil is a miracle. God help them. less
Jackson Reffitt told the FBI weeks in advance of the attempted coup that his father was planning "something big".Dad is Guy W. Reffiit and he told his son if son finked on him son ... moreJackson Reffitt told the FBI weeks in advance of the attempted coup that his father was planning "something big".Dad is Guy W. Reffiit and he told his son if son finked on him son would be a traitor and traitors get shot.After daddy dearest came back from his sortie he reiterated to Jackson about what happens to"traitors". Too late. Jackson had already informed the police weeks ahead of it.Some daddy dearest. A crackpot wackadoodlenoodle right-wing wingnut nutjob! As are all of them who are in such groups as this.How many others would be BRAVE enough to let authorities know that relatives were planning to do GREAT HARM to our country? Imagine growing up with a crackpot wackadoodlenoodle like that? How did Jackson escape the sickness? He must take after his mom.What will be of Guy W.? Something "very big" hopefully. Very big. less
Dr. Fauci and his family got DEATH THREATS. He received in the mail a strange white powder. He thought it's either nothing or something that will make be very or RICIN in which cas... moreDr. Fauci and his family got DEATH THREATS. He received in the mail a strange white powder. He thought it's either nothing or something that will make be very or RICIN in which case I"M DEAD. He lived with that as FOOTOO fans threatened and threatened and threatened him for TELLING THE TRUTH.I believe there are millions of these mental defects willing to murder for FOOTOO.Some of them were the insurrectionists. Others of them are out congregating waiting.FOOTOO VOODOO HOODOO