That totem pole is beloved by all hate groups. They vie aong one another to see whose on top.Currently the fighting is being done somewhere else. The heat is too hot so they're all... moreThat totem pole is beloved by all hate groups. They vie aong one another to see whose on top.Currently the fighting is being done somewhere else. The heat is too hot so they're all in hiding. Scared poopless and dungless. Afeared of their shadows they huddle together somewhere.What do they fear? They are the fearsome ones aren't they?I mean c'mon. If eis afraid of everyone all the time who is the top guy in charge?
FOOTOO is real lonesome there. Tons of regulars are gone. He got no one but choo. He needs you. Go to him and make him feel loved. What could it hurt? You said you'd die for him. W... moreFOOTOO is real lonesome there. Tons of regulars are gone. He got no one but choo. He needs you. Go to him and make him feel loved. What could it hurt? You said you'd die for him. Why not LIVE WITH HIM instead?
Those who are colored anti white have a far greater chance of ending up in shackles in jail for things.Now...if the domestic terrorist insurrections with multi colored colored, non... moreThose who are colored anti white have a far greater chance of ending up in shackles in jail for things.Now...if the domestic terrorist insurrections with multi colored colored, none of whom were colored WHITE how many of them would be in prison NOW? Take a guess. What could it hurt. GUESS!All of them? DAM* near every single one of them? Or shot in the back as they were running away? None of them ran away. They swaggered around at peace and not threatened by anyone at any time. They were ASSISTED by United States Congressman and United States Senators. ASSISTED.Whites get away with whatever they want. Their get out of jail card? WHITE SKIN. PALE SKIN. Ghostly skin. SIGH. What's the big deal? That's how they get their kicks. PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. They are pursuiting happiness in their own way. Let 'em be. Sign. less
He referred to them as PATRIOTS. AT some point.White Domestic Terrorists.Ready to overthrow the will of the majority of the peopleReady to overthrow an election fairly won to give ... moreHe referred to them as PATRIOTS. AT some point.White Domestic Terrorists.Ready to overthrow the will of the majority of the peopleReady to overthrow an election fairly won to give the loser the job he desparately lusted afterReady to murder to pillage to destroy. Ready to hang to lynch to crush to deathReady when you are C.B.A disgusting display of powermad gone astraySelfish self-centered self-aggrandizing 24/7Why not have more? It worked so well for the country. What could it hurt? Maybe they can still overthrow? Dig FOOTOO out of his slump and depression and reinstall him as god's right hand? less
Who are the "good people too" among the mob of insurrectionists who stole smashed broke rummaged destroyed and MURDERED five people?Which among them are the "good people too" accor... moreWho are the "good people too" among the mob of insurrectionists who stole smashed broke rummaged destroyed and MURDERED five people?Which among them are the "good people too" according to FOOTOO? He would know right? From him floweth all knowledge all truth all good all kind all godly.
Add to that list DECEIT DECEPTION CONSPIRACY COLLUSION TREASON TRAITORING SABOTAGING UNDERMINING DESTROYINGAll of that is good and godly and worth fighting for and kill... moreAdd to that list DECEIT DECEPTION CONSPIRACY COLLUSION TREASON TRAITORING SABOTAGING UNDERMINING DESTROYINGAll of that is good and godly and worth fighting for and killing for and murdering for and dying for according to those who prefer that type "governing". How can that be? I wish I knew.
How do you live your best life if you are hungry, homeless, jobless with no prospects? Especially as a parent with children who are hungry homeless without prospects too?You have F... moreHow do you live your best life if you are hungry, homeless, jobless with no prospects? Especially as a parent with children who are hungry homeless without prospects too?You have FOOTOO living a scandal ridden life with food to eat a roof over his and no worries about being on the street...big worries about being in the BIG HOUSE for life. But that is of his own doing. BY HIS OWN HAND AND MOUTH AND DEEDS. HE PETARDED HIMSELF>How does a FOOTOO relate to those who are desperate?Does he even think about them? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I know. IT IS A RIDDIKALUS question!What about others who never worry or starve or are deprived or frightened? Other than giving money on the advice of their tax accountants to minimize their tax burdens HOW MANY OF THEM share what they have with others on a continuing basis without taking any credit for it or tax deductions or bragging?I know. You shouldn't attack anyone unless you've walked in their shoes, right? Well it's not likely I ever will walk in the shoes of a R... less
What benefits accrue to one group of people may not always also accrue to the benefit of others.What is good for you may be harmful to any other.What floats your boat may sink the ... moreWhat benefits accrue to one group of people may not always also accrue to the benefit of others.What is good for you may be harmful to any other.What floats your boat may sink the boats of others.If selfish self-interest continues to rule the world we will never be better than what we are RIGHT NOW. NEVER.What are the odds better is possible? Greater odds are that better is impossible.And so we fight over pipelines and big bucks and clean air clean water clean ground.Cutting down and destroying one to build and get rich off the other.RICH RULES so far. WHY THE HE** is that so? Money not only talks but beats to death tramples on and grinds up those with other views.And so it goes. Capitalism is the greatest system in the world we are told. Nothing better than making oodles of money.Making money is the only valuable way to determine if you are winning or if you losing it is said and believed and prayed to and worshipped.He who has the most toys when he dies wins. On the other hand folks with no toys at all d... less
MisinformationDisinformationAlternate realityDelusion infusionMisquotedDistortedNever said itNever did itNever heard aboutDon't know himDon't know herFake newsHOAXFRAUDSTOLE WHOLEA... moreMisinformationDisinformationAlternate realityDelusion infusionMisquotedDistortedNever said itNever did itNever heard aboutDon't know himDon't know herFake newsHOAXFRAUDSTOLE WHOLEAll BULLSH** HORSESH** COWSH** PIGSH** CHICKENSH** For the oh-so offended delicate flowers among you just read it as POOPNUMBER TWODUNGMANUREEXCREMENTFECESBecause you abhor the lowly asterisk. I so understand. You like restrained unsaid implied sotto voce. You are very refined
OF COURSE YOU AREN'T! You are a very proud to be NOT THEM. You always tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help you gawd! So help you godd. So help you GOD?