WAS IT WORTH IT?All the benefits attendant thereto notwithstanding.SERIOUSLY.The world would still exist absent internet. Would it have existed much better without a FOOTOO too?
Jewish men wear Yarmulkes as a sign of respect and fear of GOD. It shows that GOD is always above humankind.Catholic women cover their heads in church. A veil or a hat will do but ... moreJewish men wear Yarmulkes as a sign of respect and fear of GOD. It shows that GOD is always above humankind.Catholic women cover their heads in church. A veil or a hat will do but a bare head will not. SEXIST?Men wearing HATS remove them in church as a sign of respect.Wear a hat to show respectRemove a hat to show respectPeople do it all the time and never remark on how ludicrous it is. In my opinion.Do you go bareheaded or head covered in your house of worship? Would you not ever be caught oppositely because well it just isn't done?More nonsense instead of common sense. I really don't think what covers you clothing wise matters at all to GOD. Do you? It is entirely whom you are what you do what you say and what's in your heart that matters. All the rest is confusing as he**. Apologies to GOD for the epithet but well it annoys me. less
Why is LIAR the worst thing to me?Because all the evil done in the world is liar-supported liar-fed liar funded and liar controlled.There is nothing admirable about being know as a... moreWhy is LIAR the worst thing to me?Because all the evil done in the world is liar-supported liar-fed liar funded and liar controlled.There is nothing admirable about being know as a LIAR.Not that I want to be admired. But what I DO NOT WANT is to be reviled hated feared. There yar.
Some are ALWAYS ready to criticize insult attack demean denigrate. ALWAYS.Rare are the compliments they give to others as if doing so takes something away from them.Why is that?
Does anyone ever regret the arc of life they leave behind? Does anyone ever feel shame and huge regret as the last emotion they will ever feel? Do they die finally knowing how much... moreDoes anyone ever regret the arc of life they leave behind? Does anyone ever feel shame and huge regret as the last emotion they will ever feel? Do they die finally knowing how much BAD they contributed to the world? Or the die with same degree of delusion that they lived?
The king "died". They celebrate his life vigorously and insistently and crackpottily every minute of every day as if he were alive and well.They will not accept truth. The millions... moreThe king "died". They celebrate his life vigorously and insistently and crackpottily every minute of every day as if he were alive and well.They will not accept truth. The millions the minions the the mushheads the docile the infantile the brainless.On and on and on they go celebrating what is no longer so.Do you see what I see? Do you hear what I dear? Do you for your lives?