The sore loser works hard to take the country down. Will this be the future of presidents? Has the batt-sh** crazy dumb cluck duck changed transition for ever more?This is what hap... moreThe sore loser works hard to take the country down. Will this be the future of presidents? Has the batt-sh** crazy dumb cluck duck changed transition for ever more?This is what happens when you elect a crazy boor. Nevermoor or too late?A pox on the houses of those who find this amusing. A pox on the houses of those who are GETTING OFF on this. A pox on the hoses of all of you who have defended supported embraced admired adored the crazy boor.Forever moor. A POX on you.
We know he is a LOSER. How many times does he feel obligated to keep proving it?LOSER of the presidential election.LOSER in all the bajillion crapadoodle lawsuits he has had his sh... moreWe know he is a LOSER. How many times does he feel obligated to keep proving it?LOSER of the presidential election.LOSER in all the bajillion crapadoodle lawsuits he has had his shyster "lawyers" take to court and get thrown outLOSER when it came to forcing the election officials in each state (some of whom are Republican) to do as he demanded and refuse to validate the vote.LOSER when it comes to his "lawyer" rudyg and his brains stephen miller and his toady sycophant entourageLOSER when it comes to his everything anything nothing something. LOSER LOSER LOSER.LOSER when it come to his base of crackpot weaponized robotic wackadoodlenoodle conspiracy theory domestic terroristsLOSER when it comes to his staff and family none of whom love him enough to stop him from destroying himselfLOSER when it comes to knowing he wouldn't win so he stacked the Supremes to save his a**. And they didn't. less
This is now terrifying me. Every day the batt-sh** crazy dumb cluck duck pushes harder and harder and further to overturn this election. He isn't backing down he is doubling down t... moreThis is now terrifying me. Every day the batt-sh** crazy dumb cluck duck pushes harder and harder and further to overturn this election. He isn't backing down he is doubling down tentupling down and gathering together more and more petrified pols to do his bidding. He is ORDERING THEM to join him in this effort and they ARE doing so. This is more than just a sore loser refusing to admit he lost. This is a monstrous cretin having more power over those we elected to SERVE US than ever before. They are now all rolling over to SERVE HIM.No one with the power to stop him is even trying. No one is there working on our behalf to restrict him curtail him SMACK HIM DOWN. He is relentless in his MANIACAL effort to stay president. He is not only half-cocked he is all cocked. Every day he gets worse. Every day he gets more determined. Every day every day and soon the dogs who are waiting for his signal will go out and bomb or murder.Already there are signs of this here and there. He is the mob leader of the crazies.So what ... less
All of you who still even now support the batt-sh** crazy loony tune dumb cluck duck. All of you who support the 17 states petitioning the Supreme to OVERTURN the results of the el... moreAll of you who still even now support the batt-sh** crazy loony tune dumb cluck duck. All of you who support the 17 states petitioning the Supreme to OVERTURN the results of the election! All of you believe and believe in the dumb cluck duck and think he is the victim here. Dipsticks.
Remember back in the day when the dumb cluck duck RAGGED on Ted's wife..her looks? Remember when the dumb cluck duck implied that Teddy's daddy was somehow implicated in some murde... moreRemember back in the day when the dumb cluck duck RAGGED on Ted's wife..her looks? Remember when the dumb cluck duck implied that Teddy's daddy was somehow implicated in some murder? Remember how Teddy attacked the dumb cluck duck to protect the honor of his wife and father? And now this same teddy is going to argue on behalf of the dumb cluck duck why he should be awarded the presidency despite the will of the people voting OTHERWISE by more than 7 MILLION people?Maybe you can figure it out. I cannot. There you have it.So the LOSER insists the election be overturned so he can retain his power to rape and pillage the country for another 4 years and keep stealing money so he can get richer and bit**er and richer and bi**cher. He keeps petitioning via bogus frivolous batt-sh** loony tune lawsuits that keep getting thrown out of the court. Over 50 so far. He doesn't care. He keeps losing and losing and losing and losing. He is an excellent LOSER since he has such a long record of LOSING. He does it so well. He gets... less
Does he give up admit defeat and stop trying?Or does he connive and collude and conspire with others to find a way to undo it/them?What would be a way to take it/them down?BLOW THE... moreDoes he give up admit defeat and stop trying?Or does he connive and collude and conspire with others to find a way to undo it/them?What would be a way to take it/them down?BLOW THEM UP? BOMB THEM OUT? TARGET THEM FOR EXTINCTION by the "crazy fringes"?It happened and now we wait to see what the great himself will do next.He set up what he thought was the ultimate backwatcher to protect him from everything and anything all the time no matter what. He was mistaken. Very bigly very badly very stupidly. Mistaken. less
He makes his pitch to the "regular crowd" and they barely can tolerate him.His last resort is to pitch to the fringes...way out there in lalaland wearing tinfoil hats so "the other... moreHe makes his pitch to the "regular crowd" and they barely can tolerate him.His last resort is to pitch to the fringes...way out there in lalaland wearing tinfoil hats so "the others" won't suck their brains out. The conspiracy theory haters of "the other" and fearful of them too.They EMBRACE him and REVERE him and ADORE him.He finally finds his niche. Happy Ending or ominous beginning?
What if his goal were to DESTROY THE REPUBLICAN PARTY?What it used to be is not at all what he has made it become.Along the way the "friendly fire" casualties was the country the p... moreWhat if his goal were to DESTROY THE REPUBLICAN PARTY?What it used to be is not at all what he has made it become.Along the way the "friendly fire" casualties was the country the people the democracy and the Constitution."Collateral damage".Remember back in the day when Republicans stood up for what was right? When was the last time any Republican did that? I don't mean FORMER REPUBLICANS like the Lincoln Project who actively worked again the duck and urged people to vote for Joe Biden.I mean the dyed in the wool republicans who see dems as evil vile and to be hated above all. Those who attended the don duck rallies and cheered. Those who are willing to DIE for him.He sure fooled them didn't he? He keeps fooling them as he keeps working against them and destroying them. The fools have no clue and that is what don duck relies on.Now why would don duck want to destroy the GOP? Well why did he support DEMS for so many years? Then switcheroo? Double agent? Do I have FACTS to back up this assertion?Oh c'mon. Y'all do... less
No secret behind-the-scenes sotto vocce doings.LAWSUITS up the a** driven by a jacka**. Dozens and dozens and dozens all of which are REJECTEDRepeated attempts at subverting truth ... moreNo secret behind-the-scenes sotto vocce doings.LAWSUITS up the a** driven by a jacka**. Dozens and dozens and dozens all of which are REJECTEDRepeated attempts at subverting truth and overturning it to sate the delusions of an madmanThose who could do something about refuse. They just go along go along go along mutely.It will not end well. It is not over yet. To what extremes will the madman go before he is no more? We do not know but we fear what comes next.On view. For everyone to observe and document and WITNESS. The world is watching in disbelief. Our "reputation" is a shambles and probably irreparable. We are exceptional. Exceptional stupid dumbs for getting into this hole and digging daily. Stupid dumbs who don't know which end is up or which way is out. Stupid dumbs.What else is new? less