Why do political parties at their very worst promulgate HATE and FEAR?Why do political parties control people's emotions and stoke them and rile them up and vilify "the enemy"?How ... moreWhy do political parties at their very worst promulgate HATE and FEAR?Why do political parties control people's emotions and stoke them and rile them up and vilify "the enemy"?How much a part of EMOTION drives political parties? Why is that emotion almost ALWAYS HATE AND FEAR?I don't get it. Do you?
SocialistFascistCapitalistCommunistPopulistNationalistIsolationistRacistHUMANISTJesus was a very good politician in the best sense in my opinion. His message was simple and consist... moreSocialistFascistCapitalistCommunistPopulistNationalistIsolationistRacistHUMANISTJesus was a very good politician in the best sense in my opinion. His message was simple and consistent. He did not say one thing and mean something else. He did not try to bamboozle. He was of the people by the people for the people though touched by the hand of GOD.He did not promulgate hate nor try to destroy undermine sabotage harm others. He did NOT collude plot conspire with anyone for anything at any time for his own aggrandizement.WWJD? What would Jesus do? What shady despot dictator cruel inhuman humans do? Or the opposite? less
The first known mention of LAME DUCK was by Horace Walpole in a letter to Sir Horace Mann written in 1761. "Do you know what a bull and a bear and a lame duck are"? I don't what th... moreThe first known mention of LAME DUCK was by Horace Walpole in a letter to Sir Horace Mann written in 1761. "Do you know what a bull and a bear and a lame duck are"? I don't what the anwer to the question is. I couldn't find it.In the 18th century at the London Stock Exchange LAME DUCK referred to a stockbroker who defaulted on his debts.Also a lame duck is referring to a duck who cannot keep up with his flock making it a target for predators.Mostly today a lame duck refers to an outgoing politician. Donald Duck. Lame Duck. Pass the buck. Are you stuck? Yuck yuck yuck. less