BLack Lives Matter peaceful protests when they were teargassed baton beaten and forced to move out was called VIOLENT protest.What's in a color? Life or death. Simple as that. Life... moreBLack Lives Matter peaceful protests when they were teargassed baton beaten and forced to move out was called VIOLENT protest.What's in a color? Life or death. Simple as that. Life or death. Life or death. Life or death.
Yep. The goal of the imbecilic insurrectionists, the military sympathizers the cop sympathizers and the thousnads of REPUBLIC POL sympathizers and enablers hold hope that all those... moreYep. The goal of the imbecilic insurrectionists, the military sympathizers the cop sympathizers and the thousnads of REPUBLIC POL sympathizers and enablers hold hope that all those who are in the way will be murdered. That's the plan to a man. Keep doing what you're doing and never give up hope. MURDER as many as you can and maybe you will get YOUR PRESIDENT to president again.The goal.
A question not easily answered.267-212 B.C. Archimedes300 B.C. Euclid (introduced axiomatic math...definition axiom theorem proof)3000 B.C. Sumerians had a system of math6th centur... moreA question not easily answered.267-212 B.C. Archimedes300 B.C. Euclid (introduced axiomatic math...definition axiom theorem proof)3000 B.C. Sumerians had a system of math6th century and Pythagoras showed up Who was/is the SMARTEST math genius of whom you have heard? Why?
Seemed to beTRAITOR DON triggered his hate groups who adore the crap outta him to weaponize and insurrectionize to overthrow the election.ACTUALLY ISIt is a MASSIVE CONSPIRACY CONS... moreSeemed to beTRAITOR DON triggered his hate groups who adore the crap outta him to weaponize and insurrectionize to overthrow the election.ACTUALLY ISIt is a MASSIVE CONSPIRACY CONSISTING OF A VARIETY OF MOVING PARTS.Imbecilic insurrectionists made up of brain-dead hate groups weaponized to murder and ACTIVATED to attack AND SADLYSome in the MILITARYSome among the POLICEMany among the active REPUBLICAN pols in the HOUSE and in the SENATEGroup tours were taken led by REPUBLICAN pols taking groups of insurrectionists around the Capitol for a DRY RUNBlueprints and maps were handed out to them to guide them for the carnage murder to come next dayREPUBLICAN pols told them where the offices of their targets (they planned to murder them) wereYes my pretties. It was not what it seemed at first blush. IT IS far more deplorably horrible grotesque and EVIL than we guessed. It was planned for months and trial runs were done.How many are involved? That is unknown but suffice it to say probably millions of cowardly hate-based ... less