Yes and No. If I could limit myself to just an hour, day or night, Don wouldn't mind and it would be ideal. I admit it. I have no willpower when it comes to answerMug. I wake up and am dying to see if I have notifications. I feel badly if I didn't have the time to stop by at least once a day. I have too much fun. Time flies when I am here. My 1 hour always turns into at least 2 hours. I don't look at the clock on my computer and before I know it, half the day has gone and I haven't touched the kitchen and sometimes didn't even go to work! Or it's 3 am and I quietly slink into bed right next to Don. I've become really good at this little maneuver.
That is my own prioritizing problem. It's not that I don't want to dust and vacuum and do the dishes, and do laundry...wash the windows when I come home from work. He does work super -dooper hard and we do like to spend time together and love each other very much but right now it seems like there isn't enough time. Maybe after he finishes this house, the next one will not be so stressful. Am I starting to sound like an addict? Am I addicted to answerMug? I pretty sure the answer is yes. I don't find it a bad addiction but I'm sure that is what they all say. Gotta go make dinner but see you soon! :):)
No. It's because I usually just show up for a minutes at a time, get distracted and move onto doing something else. My husband tried this site along time ago but he left because he thought his answers were boring so he left but these kinds of sites really aren't his thing anyway. He's more likely to waste time watching fail videos and Russian dash cam videos on Youtube when he wants to relax. Now he's watching What Happened to the Lobster of the Titanic on Youtube. Hmm, What Happened to the Lobster of the Titanic or Answermug? I'm not sure which one is time better spent online.
Nope. I am on my mobile phone, and he is usually practicing his instrument, or working on some project. When we are together chilling in the evening, we just like to relax and do whatever activity we enjoy with TV on in the background.
Which instrument? The instrument my husband practices is the electric guitar. He bought one about three years ago and he didn't know the first thing about playing it so he went out to the barn to teach himself to play it and practice because not in the house. Now he's really good at it so I really love hearing him practice out there.
lol, my MIL's kind of upset about that because she paid for guitar lessons when he was a kid and he was a total flop at it back then.
Both of us are professional musicians, and have our degrees in music performance. His instrument is the oboe and mine is piano, but he has taken to practicing some other wind and brass instruments lately, just because he loves developing new skills and has access to the instruments.
Professional musicians, I'm in love. I'm definitely not professional so if I ever found a video of me singing with my husband on the guitar I don't know how my hubby would feel about it but I'd be kind of embarrassed (not embarrassed about my hubby's mad guitar skills) because I'm kind of shy about myself but not shy enough to not sing at a small amateur event.
Sometimes I'm really tempted to open a Smule account but then I always shy away from it.
Nope. Her deal is Candy Crush, or whatever its 2020 version has evolved into the latest trend. From day one of those types of games, I’ve never had any interest whatsoever, so I know nothing about them. She, in the other hand, is hooked.
He doesn't care .. he has his own sites that he likes to visit. He was on AB once in awhile, but isn't on AM. He likes to play games online, not my thang.
I’m not in a relationship right now so not applicable..last relationship I was in lasted a year so I was off Q&A sites for a year lol. I wouldn’t date someone who is active on weirdo sites so I can’t really be on on when with someone..omfg I’m a weirdo on a Q&A site... I need to reevaluate my life. :/
Nah. He does not care. There has been a couple of times when he looked over at my screen when I was moderating a pict and asked me "What kind of site I was on?" Almost caused a fight. He did not do anything on the internet at the time. I explained and he did calm down.
He is now on Twitter. I have avoided it because I know I would never get anything done.
What did he think you were doing? Were you accused wrongfully of having lustful thoughts from another man? Even I know you better than that. Although I bet you have a teeny hankering for pENCE. Maybe you have a poster of him in your workspace?
No. He did not accuse me of posting it. He did not understand why I would be on a site that allowed that type of content. I had to explain we do not....but I have to document what I removed from the site. I do like white hair. My husband has white hair now, he is only 53.