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Have you ever met a relative of a celebrity?

I have met a relative of Chong from Cheech and Chong. I met him at a garage sale - he was selling a box full of vinyl records all of then were Cheech and Chong's wedding album. I asked him why he had so many of the same album and why would he sell such treasures and he told me he was related to Chong and they no longer got along which kind of blew my mind because I couldn't imagine anyone not getting along with Chong. Anyway I bought one of the records and made a clock out of it - their wedding album had a photo of Cheech and Chong  sitting in a restaurant dressed as their characters (Those 2 Guys) - I installed the works of a battery powered clock on the back of the record and for the clock hands I made a couple of prop doobies. Cheers!

Posted - February 13, 2020


  • 46117
    Anyone who knew me knows that I was a huge fan of Stevie Nicks.  Huge.  Then I moved down here. to Phoenix.  

    Well, I found Sai Baba here in Phoenix and the woman who invited me to her home to pray to Sai Baba was Stevie Nick's aunt.  I had no idea.  It just happened that way.  She and I became friends.  She had Sai Baba meetings at her home in Paradise Valley until she passed away.

    I walked into her living room the first time I met her and she had this gold record of Rumors on the wall.   I asked her what she was doing with that Gold Album and she said Stevie Nicks was her niece.  That was mind-blowing.  I never met Stevie through her.  She was way too busy in those days.   This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at February 13, 2020 4:35 PM MST
      February 13, 2020 12:04 PM MST

  • Yes
      February 13, 2020 12:12 PM MST

  • 11419
    Was that person related to Burton Cummings of the Guess Who? Cheers!
      February 13, 2020 12:18 PM MST

  • 10026
    Your true colors are showing today Nanoose! :) :)
    I always suspected you were creative and clever.  
    Your clock invention is extremely fun and creative and your response to Twinkle, "top notch clever."

    I'm sure I have.  I've met a celebrity or two myself.  The relation being "themselves."

    My Uncle was a sound engineer for many years and I had the privilege of meeting and actually knowing some pretty well-known celebrities because of it.
    He was golfing buddies with B.J. Thomas whom I had the privilege of meeting and lunch with numerous times.  I met Prince, backstage, on the Purple Rain Tour.  I've also met Leon Eric "kix" Brooks and Ronnie Gene Dunn.  I didn't call them that but those are their names.
    I know and have hung out with all the Dr. Hook members throughout my life.
    Don skied one morning with Stephen Stills of Crosby, Stills, and Nash and he took Don back to his trailer and they had drinks.
    I'm sure there are more but those are a few I can think of off the top of my head that I have actually met and spent some time with.
    I hope it doesn't sound as if I am bragging.  I am not.
    I have just been fortunate and blessed in my life because of choices people close to me have made in their lives.

    This post was edited by Merlin at February 13, 2020 4:35 PM MST
      February 13, 2020 1:36 PM MST

  • 44765
    I met a direct descendant of Abe Lincoln. Looked just like hm. Does that count?
      February 13, 2020 4:36 PM MST

  • 10026
    It always counts with you Element.  I'm hoping the physical trait you both carry is the nose.  
    Hugs and Loves.  
    Ive been a bit busy celebrating my 24th anniversary 
    ... but at the moment, Don is nestled all snug and tight in our rented cabin at Big Bear for the weekend.  I'll be home tomorrow .

    I miss you.
    Talk to ya soon! Merlin:) :)
      March 1, 2020 4:21 AM MST

  • 17081
    Australian cricketer Nathan Bracken's parents. Jimmy Barnes's brother (Swanee, himself a minor celebrity - a one hit wonder).
      February 14, 2020 3:05 AM MST

  • 1893
    Yes indeed, Al Frankens family as well as Al.  They lived in my neighborhood, saw them at the grocery store, liquor store or a local restaurant called Bunny's
      February 14, 2020 12:52 PM MST

  • 2256
    Edward Rowe Snow you know the seafaring writer on my mother's side.
      February 29, 2020 6:37 PM MST