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Speculation...where is Sharon?


Posted - March 8, 2020


  • 6988
      March 8, 2020 2:06 PM MDT

  • 7408
    I was looking for her the other day, if look at her profile you can tell her account is on suspension. What the heck did she do?? Lol This post was edited by Jaimie at March 8, 2020 8:05 PM MDT
      March 8, 2020 3:04 PM MDT

  • 17048
    Her account is private, so how exactly did you do that?
      March 10, 2020 7:18 AM MDT

  • 7408
    When an account says “private page” instead of showing the profile pic and just saying “ private profile“ that means the account is on suspension. I sussed that out a long time ago Cos I tend to hang with the crown that gets suspensions lol. Or at least did in the past. 
      March 10, 2020 7:22 AM MDT

  • 53676
    1. Temporarily banned for some strange reason, most likely a slight that should have gone unnoticed. 

    2.  Permanently off of the website for some strange reasons, most likely of her own volition, but also likely caused by a falling out with the site’s admins/mods. 

    3.  Unfortunately unable to log on due to illness or tight work schedule or job-related stress.

    4.  Doesn’t give a flying truck about it any more.

    5.  Has run off with some dude and eloped before joining someone‘s liberal/democrat presidential campaign.  Perhaps Hillary. 

    6. So baked out of her mind that she’s forgotten all about us. 

    7. Had no more to say so is sparing us the awkward silence by creating an awkward silence. That is SO Sharonna. 

    8. Finally choked her brother to death, has been arrested and charged, and is in jail awaiting the trial.

    9. Went to India or Tibet for an apprenticeship under her guru. Internet access is frowned upon.

    10.  An overweight massage client has fallen on her, they’re both trapped in that tiny room with a single 16-ounce bottle of water and a half a tin of breath mints as nourishment between them while waiting for the bi-weekly cleaning crew to discover them. 

    That’s all I've got.

      March 8, 2020 3:08 PM MDT

  • 11534
    Sharon would not leave us voluntarily, barring suspension or a broken laptop, the most logical reason is that she is locked in Randy's basement, again.
      March 8, 2020 3:34 PM MDT

  • 53676

    (Shhhhhhhh!  Don’t you realize that cops and district attorneys cultivate these websites for clues all day long?  It‘s as if you're trying your utter best to have me investigated. Ixnay on the asementbay.)

      March 8, 2020 4:10 PM MDT

  • 11534
    At least tell her we're thinking of her.
      March 8, 2020 4:32 PM MDT

  • 53676

      Shhhhh!  I can’t even afford to avow knowledge of her existence in my bas- . . . hold on. Are you wearing a wire for the cops again, Jane?  Grrrrrrr. 

      March 8, 2020 4:39 PM MDT

  • 4624
    I won't speculate because I think others have covered the gamut pretty well.

    But I do miss her.

    Outrageous as she can be sometimes,
    she is great fun
    and has a good heart in the right place.
      March 8, 2020 5:45 PM MDT

  • 23834
    I don't know but the place is not the same without her. 

    I also miss seeing Jon.

    And Twinkle.

    Danilo G is always fun to see when he's here, too.

      March 8, 2020 8:04 PM MDT

  • 7408
    I saw Jon is on suspension too, maybe that’s why twinkle hasn’t been around in a while. Agree, not the same without those three :/ 
      March 9, 2020 5:30 AM MDT

  • 17048
    Twinkle has been Benedict Arnolded. Possibly nuked his own account, I can't imagine him doing or saying anything that would get him thrown out.
      March 10, 2020 7:20 AM MDT

  • 17048
    Did she elope with Old School?
      March 10, 2020 2:40 AM MDT