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Have you ever written a poem?


Posted - August 15, 2020


  • 10784
    Of course.  I'm a writer.  (you didn't specify a good poem)
      August 15, 2020 10:02 PM MDT

  • 13395
    Post one; show your talent. That's the purpose of the question,  I think. 
      August 15, 2020 10:15 PM MDT

  • 13395
    I wrote a few when I was taking an essay writing course -here's one that was published in the local rag at New Year's 2000.

    I smoke while gabbing with a friend 
    Can't resist the cigarette trend

    i'll quit some day but not right now 
    Because cigarettes are the cat's meow

    I puff and smoke in the early morning 
    The hack and cough an ignored warning 

    I get a craving in my sleep
    Smoke mattress stuffing because it's cheap 

    My mouth's a firebox, throat's a chimney 
    My. lungs cry "don't put that in me!"

    Life's a challenge;  there's lots of humor
    Until doc says "you've got a tumor!"

    I love my youthful wholesome glory
    But not an early obit story

    How can I quit this awful vice
    When it's promoted so attractively nice

    No more cigarettes in the smart little pack
    i've kicked the Reaper off my back.

    This post was edited by Kittigate at August 17, 2020 9:14 AM MDT
      August 15, 2020 10:33 PM MDT

  • 8274
    That is really good. 
      August 16, 2020 5:07 AM MDT

  • 13395
    Thank you! 
      August 16, 2020 7:36 AM MDT

  • 53669


      Yes, as a student in school, we were assigned to write a haiku, a limerick, free style, etc.  I complied each time, however, personally I am not a fan of poetry, and whatever I wrote all those decades ago are not anything I remember very well nor care to repeat. 



      August 15, 2020 10:41 PM MDT

  • 8274
    Yes, once while in the mountains.  I lost it years ago. 
      August 16, 2020 5:06 AM MDT

  • 6988
    I won second place in a song writing contest in a national truck driver's magazine.  
      August 16, 2020 6:13 AM MDT

  • 1530
    Because Kittigate posted such a good one about smoke, I think I could copy an extract of mine from what is otherwise 600 words long. Whether it's a poem might be debatable, but I just wanted to see what would happen with few words and little information. The title is "Thy art, thou art."

    Smoke gets familiar

    In her eyes

    She doesn't like it but it's all right

    Kind of grateful others do it for her

    Too much noise

    But it clears everything out

    No point thinking


    Especially about time


    So don't

    The phone will


    Bastard looks like she's stealing for not drinking



    And cue

    She just listens through it


    When she's waiting like this she wants a hat

    Wide brim



    Thought this one would be a bit different

    Felt that way

    Now it's perfect that it's the same the whole day has been one

    One mood one sea no real waves

    Let herself float

    The world

    It comes together then

    Balance in the wild

    It's it's

    Peace if she has it

    She's twenty-two now

    Maybe start a family


    And send her children off like this too?

    There's a beer can under that table

      August 16, 2020 6:41 AM MDT

  • 44744
    Nothing rhymes.
      August 16, 2020 7:08 AM MDT

  • 13395
    I think that is the way professional poetry writing is. Poetry writing with rhyming words is amateur. 
      August 16, 2020 7:43 AM MDT

  • 44744
    Then how does one know it is a poem? Because the writer says so?
      August 16, 2020 7:58 AM MDT

  • 1530
    I'm just flattered you read the entire thing to confirm it ;)

    Pertinent question, about how to know what makes a poem. Or what is literature. After about two and a half millennia, the common academic answer has become: "whatever the reader decides."
      August 16, 2020 12:21 PM MDT

  • 53669


      Poetry doesn’t have to rhyme, that’s merely a common misconception. 


      August 16, 2020 7:58 AM MDT

  • 10026
    That is all in how you realize what is said...
    I'm sue you might dread
    I know you are not dead
    Thank goodnes for that
    You are searching tit for tat...
    Big Winks and Smiles..
    They go and mean things for miles!

      August 16, 2020 8:51 AM MDT

  • 44744
    Why isn't it tat-for-tit?
      August 16, 2020 1:41 PM MDT

  • 1530
    So the asker whines.
      August 16, 2020 12:21 PM MDT

  • 10026

      August 16, 2020 8:52 AM MDT

  • 10052
    I have. All are complete crap!
      August 16, 2020 9:43 AM MDT

  • Haha, I feel like all my attempts have been garbage as well. 
      August 17, 2020 9:14 AM MDT

  • 10052
    I wrote a couple about 10 years ago that were sort of therapeutic. I suppose that counts for something? :P
      August 17, 2020 5:52 PM MDT

  • If they provided the release you needed then absolutely. 
      August 17, 2020 8:00 PM MDT

  • 1817
    i used to write poetry all the time  when I was 10-13. not so much  anymore, my brain just isn’t as creative
      August 16, 2020 1:19 PM MDT

  • 1817
    Ok I made a haiku for you, here it is 

    my brain is too smooth 

    i can not write a poem 

    i like fishie sticks 
      August 16, 2020 1:23 PM MDT