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If you could make yourself immune to a single cause of death what would it be?

Posted - August 19, 2020


  • 53367


    (What do I win?)

      August 19, 2020 1:34 PM MDT

  • Nothing. It’s not a cause of death. It’s a term to describe someone close to death. 
      August 19, 2020 8:18 PM MDT

  • 7404
    Cancer, I’ve seen too many people suffer with and die from it. I really don’t want to go out that way. 
      August 19, 2020 1:42 PM MDT

  • Yea whatever I pick would be something long and drawn out. 
      August 19, 2020 8:20 PM MDT

  • 44537
    Old age.
      August 19, 2020 3:25 PM MDT

  • If I make it to 90 I’m going to be angry that I ever consumed kale. I’m only hoping for 80. 
      August 19, 2020 8:25 PM MDT
  • .

    Right now it would be COVID.
      August 19, 2020 4:55 PM MDT

  • Yea in a hospital bed all alone, no family able to visit. Quite depressing. 
      August 19, 2020 8:26 PM MDT

  • 8039
    Yes, however, if it was my sweetie I'd get in if I had to be wrapped in bubble wrap.  
      August 26, 2020 3:29 PM MDT

  • 16618
    Cancer. I've lost too many of my nearest and dearest that way. My mother was unable to speak for three weeks before she passed,  a torture worse than death.
      August 19, 2020 5:03 PM MDT

  • Truly. I’ve seen people fight and succumb for months as well. Hard to watch. Can’t imagine living it. 
      August 19, 2020 8:22 PM MDT

  • 13277
    Death, of course. The vast majority of people die of death.
      August 19, 2020 5:05 PM MDT

  • And their death has a cause. 
      August 19, 2020 8:15 PM MDT

  • 10945
    Electrocution so I could join the freak  show and wow the crowds by chewing through live high voltage lines. Cheers!
      August 19, 2020 6:12 PM MDT

  • They’d probably think you are Thor and worship you. 
      August 19, 2020 8:21 PM MDT

  • 10945
    Ya I don't want to be worshiped  - a few gasps of astonishment  and a few applause and I will be happy. And if I sell a few of my Volt Boy  t-shirts and a few of my Volt Boy coffee cups it will he a bonus. Cheers! This post was edited by Nanoose at August 20, 2020 11:16 AM MDT
      August 19, 2020 8:59 PM MDT

  • 2063
    Being burned.
      August 19, 2020 6:51 PM MDT

  • No chargrilled wunderkinds. 
      August 19, 2020 8:22 PM MDT

  • 2063
    Thanks. After all I read. Sheer horror. You look it up:)
    "I have a friend who ended up with burns on a decent portion of their body. I’m not certain at the moment the details of what happened, just that they were in the hospital for a while. From what I do recall, it had to have been pretty all-encompassing, unending, horrifying pain. They ended up addicted to morphine and had to detox at the later stages of the healing process.
    The memory of it is still terrifying to them too. A while back our group of friends went to see a scary movie, and it ended up that one of the characters was going to be burned alive. It was somewhere in the middle of the movie, probably still twenty-thirty minutes left, and my friend asked me to take them home, because it was too much to watch. I’ve never seen the end of that movie"
    I read that you start hearing screaming, but, you don't realize it's yourself screaming. This post was edited by CosmicWunderkind at August 21, 2020 3:36 PM MDT
      August 21, 2020 3:18 PM MDT

  • 13395
    Being impaled;  such as being a victim of Vlad the Impaler. 
      August 19, 2020 11:47 PM MDT

  • 182
    Death from the steady debilitation that comes with old age.
      August 21, 2020 3:09 PM MDT

  • 2063
    Nah. That's slow and dealt with today. This post was edited by CosmicWunderkind at August 21, 2020 3:36 PM MDT
      August 21, 2020 3:24 PM MDT

  • 182
    You think? If you have a cure for old age ('Cocoon' excepted) I think we'd all like to known about it.  This post was edited by Nyse Elias at August 21, 2020 6:33 PM MDT
      August 21, 2020 4:46 PM MDT

  • 2063
    Oh okay. Sorry. I confused it with one form of death you would most not want. Old age is way relative to pains and can't be prescribed a cure unless you die younger intentionally or not. BTW, three good friends I had in my 20's died at 52,  53, and 55. Deaths comes in threes!!!! Over 2 months I saw to their obits. Victor, Shawn and Jay. Cya! This post was edited by CosmicWunderkind at August 21, 2020 5:08 PM MDT
      August 21, 2020 5:06 PM MDT