Is it an attempt at flattery?
Is it currying favour for something else, like getting free editing on a poem or story?
Are they looking for a sugar mummy?
The thing is, when it happens (rare) it's incongruent. There are no other signs or signals of attraction.
If it is true, what is it that they find attractive?
If it's not, why would they bother to insist on it?
Is it a misguided attempt to be "kind" - as if looks were the only basis for self esteem or confidence?
Is it just plain stupid - no reason at all?
From the inside looking out, I am not sure women really conceptualize exactly how much the acquisition of sex is the driving force in men’s motivation for a majority of decisions and actions.
There’s no “one way” rule book on attraction, so it can neither be dictated that any particular attractiveness for another person is subject to scrutiny by others, nor can the reasons behind or the motives for attractions be quantified in ways that others would accept.
The young man in question is the best source for answering as to his reasons. Personally, I see attractiveness in many women who are much older than I am, some of them in their elderly years. I don’t restrict my likes and desires merely to those who match my age or are younger.
Wait, what if I said I saw her first? Grrrrrrr.
Er, um, I saw her first too.