Wait, you didn’t drop in to say hello?
Please don’t encourage her. Grrrrrrr.
Restraining orders work both ways, you know. Grrrrrrr.
Considering my place of birth as the origin point and my general upbringing in that same locale for the first eighteen years of my life with the exception of vacations taken in-country (continental United States only), I eventually branched out much further in every ensuing decade of my life.
Excluding Antarctica, I’ve been on all of the other continents: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, and Australia. I’ve been on islands of varying sizes that are not near any continent. I can na at least 24 countries to which I have been, and if transit through countries is included, the count would probably be about 40. I’ve sailed aboard ship in some of the most vast oceans and seas of the world. I’ve logged land miles and nautical miles and air miles that when combined could . . . er, um, well . . . could stretch for miles. (Ok, I’m reaching there.)
So take a globe, pinpoint my hometown (never has been revealed here), measure places on the exact opposite side of the world, and I’ve likely been there.