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Do you dread the coming winter or look forward to it?

Do you live in a place that experiences the 4 seasons or do you live in paradise?

Posted - August 4, 2021


  • 10757
    Tell me about it!  I am so sick of it!!!!  A fire started less than 5 hours ago and is already over 1,000 acres!  It's only 12 miles from here and the smoke plume covers the entire eastern sky.  
      August 4, 2021 6:57 PM MDT

  • 17641
    I find the fires scary.  I lived in Spokane for a number of years and loved it there.  I'm a southerner used to getting 65 inches of rain a year.  When I moved up there with about 9-11 inches per year it was a shock to me.  When it rained 1/2 inch people called it a rain storm.  So cute.  The people said they had at times had to endure smoke from close fires.  It never happened while I was there.   I don't know where you live but assume it's west. 
      August 4, 2021 8:46 PM MDT

  • 10757
    I'm in California.  I've been taking weather observations here since 1979.  Back then pur average yearly rainfall was over 60".  Now it's just under 48".  The rains used to start around halloween and last to April.  Now they don't come until after Thanksgiving, and end in March.
      August 4, 2021 10:03 PM MDT

  • I dread the coming of winter.  I live in San Francisco, California.  The city has a Mediterranean climate which means warm and dry summers with mild winters
      August 4, 2021 3:27 PM MDT

  • 3109
    The sun always breaks through at least once daily.  I used to like San Francisco, Boudine Bread is the best.  There are many things I miss about that area. 
      August 4, 2021 6:41 PM MDT

  • 234
    Dread. I like summer too much, and it goes by too fast. However our county fair was cancelled, so hopefully next summer will be even better.
      August 4, 2021 7:10 PM MDT

  • 11323
    I don't dread it -it is more like a strong fear that winter will arrive and I won't be prepared. I like to have lots of food stored up and lots of  firewood ready to go plus a few other winter related things. We don't get much cold weather or snow here - once a tourist asked  me how much snow we get here and I said oh about 2 minutes worth a year but it dosn't stick. Cheers!
      August 4, 2021 7:14 PM MDT

  • 13277
    Doesn't matter. It always comes anyway.
      August 4, 2021 8:49 PM MDT

  • 11426
    I live in Minnesota, we don't have four seasons, we have two: Winter and road construction. Both equally dreadful, but I'm used to it.
      August 4, 2021 8:53 PM MDT

  • 53611


      Which part of Minnesota? Jes’ wondering.

      August 18, 2021 10:26 PM MDT

  • 3719
    We have all four seasons here in the South of England but over the last decade or two they've become rather less clear-cut, with milder Winters and more changeable Summers.

    The fauna and flora seem to struggle with it a bit.

    I tend to live each day as it comes, although of course there are times I'd enjoy better if the weather was different or not as powerful! 
      August 8, 2021 4:09 PM MDT

  • 10052
    I'm looking forward to it. I appreciate seasons. 
      August 18, 2021 9:24 PM MDT

  • 17004
    I'm in it. I'm looking forward to the coming summer. It's been raining solidly here for 5 weeks.
      August 19, 2021 3:36 AM MDT

  • 53611


      I’m in San Diego, California. I purposefully chose to live here as opposed to returning to my birthplace with its winter features of cold weather, grey skies, snowfall, icy roads, slippery sidewalks, etc. After being born and raised with that lifestyle for my first 18 years, I knew no other way until I came west and spent years without being in snow. I even spent time in the tropics (Asia and the Pacific), so I got way too spoiled to ever settle for living on in a place with bad weather when better options exist. As such, I have no desire to ever again experience snow and the other ravages of wintery places. I don’t have to dread it, it’s a non-entity to me now.


    This post was edited by Randy D at August 20, 2021 9:33 AM MDT
      August 19, 2021 4:57 AM MDT