Discussion»Questions»Arts» What is longest time you ever spent gazing at most impressive work of art for depth, detail, colors and all that you found so enchanting?
For man-made works of art, I spent 5 maybe 10 seconds tops. I say this because in my opinion, most art, sculptures, etc, are man's attempts at glorifying man. So I'm not impressed. :)
Michelangelo's Madonna and Child which is situated in The Church of Our Lady in Bruges, Belgium. It took my breath away the first time I was there. The detail is astounding and the longer you look at it the more you will notice. This particular rendering of Mary and Jesus is unique in that it highly depicts the humanness in both. Also, it is one of only a few artistic works of Mary (that I've seen) with Mary not dressed in blue. If you ever have the chance, visit.
This post was edited by Thriftymaid at November 23, 2021 10:54 PM MST
A few minutes, and it was truly impressive - a panoramic painting of a scene from Ikara, at the Jeff Morgan gallery in Hawker. So realistic I almost thought I was still hiking there.
This post was edited by Slartibartfast at September 6, 2022 6:40 PM MDT
After first seeing this painting in the board game "Masterpiece" at the age of about 12 years old, I don't know how much time I've spent looking at it. Probably no other painting has had me looking so long, except for literally all of Hopper's works.