Having been born and raised in a place with a cold climate about eight or nine months out of the year, I believe that’s when and where I developed the practice of sleeping with the sheet and/or blankets covering me completely, to include my entire face and entire head. It’s the same way when I have used sleeping bags; I zip myself in completely. Not only that, but I can do either of these (sleep with blankets covering my face and head or zipped into a sleeping bag) for extended periods of time, up to and including the whole night. I do not have a problem breathing that way, nor am I claustrophobic. No one else I’ve known has ever been able to do it for more than a few minutes at a time, and everyone marvels that they don’t see how I can do it without suffocating.
health benefits of sleeping in a cool room
Lol. Somehow, that sounds just like you.
(with all his cloths clothes)
You would know or might know because some things related to sleep are in the preparation for getting into bed or the preparation for going to sleep.
How would you know that you rotate: you’re asleep.
Reverse psychology.