A pet peeve of mine is when people write an address without the last part, eg 100 Central instead of 100 Central Avenue. Grrrrr. Does this bother you?
It’s not only in writing, some people even refer to addresses that way when speaking. It became increasingly bugging when I began living in San Diego County, because (for example) there is a B Street in the city of San Diego and in at least two other incorporated cities in the county. There is also a B Avenue in more than one place. Without specifying the full address and the part of the county, confusion abounds. Grrrrrrr.
Makes a guy want to . . .
What’s a good example of that, please? Let’s use your residence as a guide.
Yeah, right! It can’t be that easy, but I’ll check it out anyway.
”United Airlines? This is Randolph D Randall, and I’d like to book a round trip flight from San Diego to Minneap . . . YES, AGAIN! Why, is there some problem? YES, I KNOW I FLY THERE ALL THE TIME, YES, I KNOW I’M PROBABLY THE ONE CUSTOMER WHO BOOKS THIS FLIGHT MORE THAN ANY OTHER CUSTOMER! Can we just please complete the process without more commentary about my obsessions? Grrrrrrr.”
Grrrrrrr. Please don’t let others infringe on the happiness that you and I can have if we ignore the world and only focus on each other. (((For quite some time now, Livvie has had it in for me, and will do anything to bring about my ruin. Shun her.)))