Discussion » Questions » Legal » Will the Secret Service let jail staff take Trumps prints and mug shots?

Will the Secret Service let jail staff take Trumps prints and mug shots?


I don't they will, and I don't think the jail staff will give up its authority..  Will there be a gunfight?


Posted - April 2, 2023


  • 11542
    Secret Service agents are sworn law enforcement officers. Their first duty is to uphold the law.
      April 2, 2023 10:25 AM MDT

  • 11395
    There job is to protect him from harm - not protect him from looking like a Sad Sack in a mug shot. Mug shots and finger prints are part of the legal system. No one is above the law so Trump has to be finger printed and pose for a mug shot and I am pretty sure his secret service officers have been briefed on that. Cheers! 
      April 2, 2023 10:46 AM MDT

  • 3907
    Hello N:

    In the ordinary course of events, the Secret Service wouldn't allow a stranger to come within 50 feet of the president.. 

    Ergo, there's a built in conflict..  I'm just wondering which agency is gonna back down. Or, will we see a gunfight?

    excon This post was edited by excon at April 2, 2023 11:37 AM MDT
      April 2, 2023 11:35 AM MDT

  • 11395
    I figure there will be no gunfight because both agency's will do their duty and only their duty. I also figure that deep down inside a couple of the secrete service will find a bit of delight watching Trump be booked. They have lived with Trump and probably have seen him have temper tantrums - watched him scream  and belittle people and  watched him have lunch with white supremacists. They probably also know he usually neglects to wash his hands after he uses the washroom then heads for the buffet table. So the secret service might be thinking he is finally going to get his just deserts. Cheers! This post was edited by Nanoose at April 2, 2023 4:43 PM MDT
      April 2, 2023 3:58 PM MDT

  • 35023
    They will because Trump is coming in and doing it voluntarily. Officers will not be allowed to rough Trump up in front of SS. (They should not be allowed to rough anyone up) 
    But sorry your hope of a violent confrontation is not going to happen. 
    The only question is now, will the judge violate Trump freedom of speech by issuing a gag order? 
      April 3, 2023 7:11 AM MDT

  • 3907
    G'morning, my:

    It's not a hope, but an expectation..   And, if it doesn't happen tomorrow it's gonna happen SOMETIME.  NY has 30,000 cops.  Mar-a-Lago has about 10.

    Although Trump should be gagged, I have no idea how you gag a presidential candidate.  So, I don't think the judge is gonna try.

    Did you get your popcorn yet?  We're in for a very entertaining season.

      April 3, 2023 8:20 AM MDT

  • 4259
    A gag order, if issued, will only apply to the case in which he's indicted.  It doesn't bar him from speaking about anything else.  Of course, we all know how difficult it is for Trump to keep his mouth shut.  
      April 3, 2023 9:52 AM MDT

  • 11395
    Thought I would add that Donald Trump has left Mar-a-Loga and is now on rout to New York for his arraignment tomorrow. I have to go into town today and I am going to buy some treats for the show tomorrow. Cheers!
      April 3, 2023 11:44 AM MDT

  • 35023
    Again Trump is doing it voluntarily so it will not be an issue unless the police misbehave. 
    The season will be interesting....Trump is running and he is going to win. 
    The should not issue a gag order...we already see that Bragg's office will not follow a gag. We already know things about a supposedly sealed indictment.   
    I never thought we would see the type of bamna republic stuff in this country. Attacking political opponents...just remember which side started it. Trump's DOJ let Hillary in co off the hook. 
      April 3, 2023 3:58 PM MDT

  • 11395
    I really don't think it will be the police that will misbehave - I think it will be Trump. I think once Trump gets in the courthouse and they go to fingerprint him reality will set in and he will get really belligerent. Cheers! This post was edited by Nanoose at April 3, 2023 6:25 PM MDT
      April 3, 2023 6:21 PM MDT

  • 35023
    No, if he was going to do that he would just stay in FL. 
      April 4, 2023 5:12 AM MDT

  • 17048
    Except that the GOP has an aversion to nominating losers. He's already lost an election.
    Chances are, he'll not be nominated, run as an independent, split the anti-Biden vote and gift the Dems the WH for another term. Similar to the way Ralph Nader railroaded the Dems.
      April 3, 2023 8:06 PM MDT

  • 35023
    He will get the nomination easily.  This case has already helped him.  He jumped 20 pts in the first poll after the indictment. 
      April 4, 2023 5:11 AM MDT