Do you keep physical cash on hand in case of an emergency?
If a natural disaster, cyber attack, or sustained power outage prevented ATM's and credit card readers from functioning, how long would you be able to buy necessities (assuming they are available)?
I can't remember the last time I spent cash, except to pay my hair stylist, who doesn't accept credit. However, I do have a twenty stashed in my phone case and it's been there for years.
I've read how this is a pressing concern for the most wealthy: not so much how to avert global catastrophe, but how to keep people loyal after it hits.
Yes, in accounting, cash refers to money that is easily accessible for spending. It can include money kept in a bank account or in short-term investments. It does not necessarily refer to money kept in your sock drawer.
I can’t remember the last time I carried or kept cash. We had a Rodgers outage I believe summer of 2022 and no interact/ online payments were working for a day or two.I had planned during that time to always keep some cash on me Cos that couple days was a disaster. Then everything started working again and I never followed through with my cash backup plan.