Discussion»Questions»Holidays» If you were put in charge of creating a brand new global holiday, what would you name it and how would it be celebrated?
This made me think of a guy I worked with many years ago. He was retired military and thought society would greatly benefit from every adult having the right to kill two people during his adult years up to his own death. He was certain we would have a society who treated each other wonderfully as we would never know who had and had not used his two free kills. Crazy? Of course.
(That GAA is better than being GAY myself. I take no pride in being gay; I had no choice in being gay. I try to take pride in my choice of trying to be kind to others.)
On GAA day, I'd encourage people to look up giant anteaters - - since first seeing one when I was about ten years old, no other living creature looks so cool, unique and beautiful to me. My favorite animal always.
This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at April 27, 2024 8:48 AM MDT
Personally I prefer the echidna, or "spiny anteater". I'm parochial. Interestingly it's one of only two species of mammal that lays eggs.
Also being gay is nothing to be ashamed nor proud of. You're wired that way and most people are at least SLIGHTLY bi, although in most straight people its so slight as to be unnoticeable even by the person him or herself. I'm not, but being Demi I'm in a sexual minority myself.
This post was edited by Slartibartfast at April 27, 2024 5:55 PM MDT