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. How exactly you would like the whole house stuff to look?

I just setting-up the house plan .
Now I will draw in the furnitures, appliances, fixtures & stuff in certain rooms of the house, to the way it might be or look really amazing with these.
Then there will be no ugly scribbles on this one, after I put any in, then I will delete them off & just put in other really interesting color-ful (full) drawing of each of the house stuff in here!

Posted - July 20


  • .

    Surprise me.
      July 21, 2024 3:30 AM MDT

  • 3009
    Then next, I will just type in the house furniture, etc. names & put just these to different places in each house rooms, show you that, then I will draw in the furniture, etc. shapes on each (furniture) names, in each house rooms. Just to see if put all the house things in these places will be okay(?)!
      July 21, 2024 7:10 AM MDT

  • 3009
    I will add in the door & window markings later(of where to put each doors & windows)
      July 21, 2024 7:12 AM MDT

  • 3009

    I might adjust the size of some rooms-as hallway, kitchen room, bathroom, & may adjust any shape to them.

    okay, now the basement I may have to do it separately.

    And are all these things is where I should put them (for now) ?

    And should I add a play room, game room-as like an extra bonus room to this?

      July 21, 2024 8:41 AM MDT

  • 8127
    Where is the front door?
      July 27, 2024 11:35 AM MDT

  • 3009
    That I just have to draw it in-picking a room to put the front door at, but that might will get change around later
      July 27, 2024 1:06 PM MDT

  • 3009
    Whatever what rooms & things I will then draw in for the house, I will make them look much different from what house things they usually have at the houses, almost like you/we have never seen before, or each that look much newer than what they have at the houses that’s now.
    And I will try that, just need much more time & I could do them just like that!
      July 21, 2024 8:50 AM MDT

  • 8127
    I can't imagine it, you are very creative. 
      July 27, 2024 11:38 AM MDT

  • 3009
    Great-Thank You, will start off-
      July 27, 2024 1:23 PM MDT

  • 3009
    I may just draw in other doors, windows, and rest of house things in this sophisticated floor plans, or I may just think about the most interesting scenes and then just draw that in first usually pixelated-& I may type in first, then the pixelated drawing followed with it, then follow that through these floor plans with it-either way for now.
    But here it is:
    The backyard scene that look like with many other stuff going on around near it-like other school bus neighborhood area, distant beach water place that take-up wide horizontal space-that’s like where there might be so many people & kids come around there-usually many kids in their bathing suits.
    And backyard area with large deep grass puddle where there might be many different kinds of little sea animals in it; really interesting things happening from several other nearby neighbors connecting with some of your interesting thing (had set up) in your yard.
    The bike street with kind of narrow inner dirt path that slants away from along the street line that would get you to other hidden area that you do not know where you’re getting to.
    One outside yard area that looks like a wide open area, but closed-in from the other neighbor’s line around it, that have a large-tall tree, with so many other different insects that comes in so many different shapes, sizes & colors, as well as to so many different kinds of flowers, really sunny up there & the surrounding area looks bright around the large tree along with many kinds of flowers and insects, but might happen to see some dark sky/skies-to the way distance someplace!
    I may just have to try drawing now, that it may get to much of that I typed up here, or it may not follow much of what I typed there, if I just think of my own really interesting stuff just in pictures of my own.
      July 27, 2024 2:14 PM MDT

  • 8127
    Oh, like a mini forest with learning discoveries along the way, and flowers?  Children would love that for sure, they have such a curious nature. 

    This post was edited by . at July 27, 2024 2:58 PM MDT
      July 27, 2024 2:57 PM MDT

  • 3009

    Not very close to what I’m thinking that directly to that drawing that I be making here,
    but it gonna look really interesting, & will see if you might really like it that what I will about to draw.

    To try either of these-Sketchbook or Pixel Studio/Pixel Art to be drawing these:

    Sketchbook-takes really long time-lots of work getting around lots of little details, may take me so many adjustment till I get every proportions right as make sure just about everything’s in the right place, but about everything you’ll see in it is much clear!

    Pixel Studio/Art-Can simply get each things in the right places and right sizes & that these can all be almost quickly be finished, of what only it have in it to draw it with, but the picture won’t be really clear, even if it’s the best drawing possibly-to try to get it to be the exact copy as the real photo of it.

    So I guess you/I can just try/use this one or that one, they are both there on my iPad now!

    Am I explaining-out good from these 2 drawing programs?

      July 27, 2024 4:49 PM MDT

  • 8127
    Sounds like a lot of work. I'm looking forward to what yu create. 
      July 27, 2024 5:35 PM MDT

  • 3009
    Okay I will just draw them now-
      July 27, 2024 6:17 PM MDT

  • 3009

    This is what I just draw so far (the recent drawing), anything else you would like in it?
    I will draw in many other flowers and insects in here later.
    You’ll see that blue zagged foreshorten line from the horizon on the side is the water.
    Many more other details to put to the green part of the tree yet, half yellow circle up there is the sun.

    This post was edited by DannyPetti at July 27, 2024 8:23 PM MDT
      July 27, 2024 7:53 PM MDT

  • 8127
    A bridge over the water, perhaps?
      July 27, 2024 8:24 PM MDT

  • 3009
    No, it’s sharp shape line of water that greatly expand & shrink when just go along that line, & that’s the very deep hill slope of the very far grass horizon, & I will add in the tiny sea creatures in that water.
      July 28, 2024 10:50 AM MDT

  • 3009

    The same picture I just did earlier, okay I just modified the grass area by try cross shading different areas, then I put light-shades in some/upper grass area, I think I got too much tall dried weeds by the zagged water line-covered some flowers with these, so I will take some of that out, then add darker green shades by that blue water line-to be as if the grass field is sloping down as gets near the water line area(as light from sun on the left), yet I have to draw in the insects, & tiny sea creatures.
    To find a much faster way to get the other pictures and objects drawn in (now) & to be really good drawings where you‘ll see things really clearly around it, I will think of just use SketchBook Program & just copy more pictures from Google Image, then I probably have to type in really specific keywords each time.

    This post was edited by DannyPetti at August 6, 2024 11:31 PM MDT
      July 28, 2024 3:18 PM MDT

  • 3009
    And if you want to see it now (What I’m drawing now), then can say ‘show now!’

    And you can tell me what you want it to change or add in it too.

    And for SketchBook-(lots of little details to draw), would use copying images-as this takes a really long time of drawing really good pictures with this one!
      July 27, 2024 6:53 PM MDT

  • 3009
    I will soon set another drawing thread about house-yard out there, and that thread will be more of just house drawings there, to that I will draw, show you, then add more over it, then show again, but I may then erase off the previous one-as if that became so many pictures with it.
    Then you can let me know if there‘s any change you want it to put with any of the house drawings as I be drawing them.
    But I probably be drawing now-then the drawing post will come later.
      September 12, 2024 1:58 PM MDT

  • 3009
    I might start with the pixel drawing
      September 12, 2024 2:04 PM MDT

  • 3009
    After I finish drawing the house & all other things in it, then I will draw the whole yard with other (unique) outside stuff in it, then after I finish drawing the whole yard, then I will maybe draw the whole neighborhood around the house that I set-up the house plan with-almost to the way I really want the whole neighborhood to be! But I don’t know if I will really draw that(just maybe), I usually tend to work on mostly just the house for now-of what other unusual/unique stuff that I will just fill each rooms with-in the house plan.
      July 21, 2024 9:02 AM MDT

  • 8127
    Love unique inside and outside. Now that I think about it, I've never given much if any thought to a house I'd like to live in.  I have ideas for an estranged family member design for a house but that's the extent of it. 
    But not too unique as in wild or anything like that...

    This post was edited by . at July 27, 2024 6:26 PM MDT
      July 27, 2024 11:39 AM MDT

  • 3009
    I’m not sure if I should add anything in that hallway yet, may adjust the size of it.
      July 21, 2024 9:07 AM MDT