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Is there anything more despicable than this?

Posted - September 5


  • 10647
    This last school had automatically locking classroom doors and armed resource officers on site.  It may have meant less victims,  but the goal should be no victims. Gun ownership and safe schools co-existed for centuries. So maybe some folks should actually try to 'make America great again'.
      September 5, 2024 6:43 PM MDT

  • 33742
    Yet the shooter started in on class and moved to another.   I don't know that they had automatic locking doors.
      September 5, 2024 7:53 PM MDT

  • 16583
    Maybe you should add the word "Uterus" to the names of all schools in America so that Republicans will care about children dying in them.
      September 5, 2024 5:59 PM MDT

  • 10919

    I’m wondering if the reason Trump figured it was time to move on after “one day” was because there was no time to waste on slaughter kids when he had a debate in 5 days and an election coming up. Trump wants all the media coverage. Cheers and happy weekend!

      September 6, 2024 7:17 AM MDT

  • 33742
    This particular part of a quote is from Jan 2024...not current. 
      September 6, 2024 7:37 AM MDT