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Do you think Trump was right about Obama?

Trump resonantly said - "I think Obama will be voting for me because he doesn't like the fact that Kamala is an extremely Low IQ Person!". I think that is crazy talk. Cheers!

Posted - October 11


  • 10835
    Many of us think that even though Biden has slowed down, he is still doing a good job as president. I believe a good president has advisors and considers their input in his decision making. That is not the same as being directed. 
      October 13, 2024 7:28 AM MDT

  • 33938
    You are free to think what you want about Biden. 

    Personally, I think he is suffering from dementia and it is getting worse.  I think Kamala and the rest of the admin and media  knew it and hid it from the American people as best they could.  Until the (planned) debate which they used to force him out.   
      October 13, 2024 9:27 AM MDT

  • 10835
    I find it patronizing to be given permission to think what I like. I trust you don't mean that way, but after getting that from you several times, I thought I would mention it, so that I will know whether or no to take offense if it happens again.

    I have to say, I wouldn't know why anyone would cover up that type of issue, let alone nominate him for a second term. He had a full physical exam including a neurological workup - which would have found cognitive issues,  in February 2024 and the results were made public. 

      October 13, 2024 9:57 AM MDT

  • 33938
    I just mean we all have the right to our own opinions.  Whether we agree or disagree.  I am not meaning it to be patronizing so I am sorry if that is how it comes across. 

    They would cover it up because they knew Trump was going to get the Rep nomination. And they think only Joe can beat Trump...  and to blow the whistle would have installed Kamala which they did not want. But Biden stuck the party with her anyway. 
      October 13, 2024 2:56 PM MDT

  • 10835
    That's quite a conspiracy! 
      October 13, 2024 3:36 PM MDT

  • 33938
    1. We all knew Trump would get the nomination (if he ran for it)
    2. They have many times said Joe is the only one who can beat Trump. 
    3. Up until about May the media was trying to get Kamala replaced as VP because she was so unpopular.  
    4. Early debate  (June is the earliest ever) to force Joe out and have an open convention.  
    5. Joe and Jill had one last card to play after being forced out....endorsing Kamala.   Played brilliantly by Jill.

    1-3 are confirmed facts.  Are 4 &5, a conspiracy theory?? Maybe but Give it a time and they will likely be confirmed as well.
    This post was edited by my2cents at October 14, 2024 10:51 AM MDT
      October 14, 2024 6:22 AM MDT

  • 10835
    I'm not going to waste my time on this. This post was edited by Jane S at October 15, 2024 8:35 AM MDT
      October 14, 2024 8:54 AM MDT

  • 33938
    Your choice of course.  
      October 14, 2024 10:52 AM MDT

  • 3532
    "But I believe Obama will be voting for Kamala because she will be willing to be his puppet just as Biden was....

    You brought up Harris' willingness to be Obama's puppet.  Now you're saying "Someone has been directing Biden."  

    I'm confused.

      October 13, 2024 12:44 PM MDT

  • 33938
    Yes there is a reason Biden is often referred to as OBiden.   And Yes I believe Kamala would be an OHarris...

    I do not believe Biden is cognitive enough to not need direction.  I think he will listen to Jill consistently but would also listen to Obama especially if he was agreeing with Jill. 
      October 13, 2024 3:00 PM MDT

  • 10835
    Several times, Trump talked as if he thought Obama were still president or referred to beating Obama in the election. Shortly thereafter, it became a story that Obama was still in charge behind the scenes. This may or may not have been a cover for what looked like some minor cognitive decline on Trump's part. I'm sure someone will jump in to deny it, but I follow politics pretty closely and it seems very plausible to me - I saw Trump make those comments. When you consider how much projection goes on, it seems logical to accuse the other guy to take the attention off your own guy.
      October 13, 2024 3:45 PM MDT

  • 3532
    Trump does a lot of projecting.
      October 13, 2024 4:36 PM MDT

  • 33938
    Speaking of projecting,  Kamala just claimed Trump is hiding.   Trump has done a rally/campaign everyday for the last week.  
      October 14, 2024 7:21 AM MDT

  • 10835
    She said he is hiding from a second debate. Isn't that what you accused her of in the past? She also said he was hiding from 60 Minutes. Odd that he wouldn't do an interview in front of such a large audience in spite of his petty (and questionable) grievances. And she said he is hiding from releasing his medical records, which has been the norm for candidates for years. I don't think that can be called projection. 
      October 14, 2024 8:47 AM MDT

  • 33938
    She has done a handful of interviews ALL on very friendly outlets.  She is still dodging a Time interview.  (Trump has done 2) And Kamala will never do a FOX/Newmax interview.  

    I don't blame Trump for not doing 60 minutes interview given the way they treated him last time.   He brought up the Hunter Biden laptop and she stopped him and said this is 60 Minutes we cannot allow you to lie like that. The laptop is Russian disinformation.  (Or something to that effect) Well, it is now confirmed to be actually Hunter's laptop and not disinformation at all.  I don't blame him a bit for demanding an apology for their lies
    .  At least Trump was smart enough to record the entire interview to prove his claims. Because they of course did not air it. 

    60min this year edited Kamala's interview to make her look better than she actually answered.  Again, she is only going to friendly outlets. 
      October 14, 2024 10:45 AM MDT

  • 10835
    All I did was expand on Harris' comment about hiding. I think you are trying to pick a fight, and I'm not interested. I do not like the implication that if I don't support Trump, I have to defend everything about the other side. Frankly, amug is not a place where feel free to express my views. 
      October 14, 2024 11:37 AM MDT

  • 33938
    And all I have done is expand on Trump's statements.  

    We are all free to express our views here on Answermug. In fact,  this site is one of the few sites where free speech is protected.  Unlike larger sites where peoples opinion is censored if it not a popular or goes against the offical narrative. On Answermug, as long as we voice our opinions without attacking others users, and follow the other rules, users are allowed to express their views. 

    Of course, you are not expected to defend all Dems, you choose what and how or if you even to respond to any post. 
      October 14, 2024 7:29 PM MDT

  • 93
    'In fact, this site is one of the few sites where free speech is protected.'.....unless it's laughing at you, then you moderate it.
      October 15, 2024 1:23 AM MDT

  • 33938
    It was for trolling and spam....directed at multiple users. 
      October 15, 2024 5:47 AM MDT

  • 93

    One online definition of troll:

    ‘Trolling is when someone posts or comments online to ‘bait’ people, which means deliberately provoking an argument or emotional reaction. In some cases they say things they don’t even believe, just to cause drama. In other cases, they may not agree with the views of another person or group online, so they try to discredit, humiliate or punish them.’

    & I get moderated for ‘LOL’, whilst how many of your nearly, 34000 comments could fall into the above category? The multiple users were 3 people. Too funny.

      October 16, 2024 1:13 AM MDT

  • 10835
    Or for pointing out that her posts are less than credible. That is considered 'condescending and dismissive  ' and removed as a violation of the rules. 
      October 15, 2024 6:21 AM MDT

  • 33938
    As long as it is the topic being discussed (not just cursed about) and not the users, no one is moderated.  
    And anyone who feels they were moderated unfairly can always discuss it with JA. She is the boss here. 
      October 15, 2024 6:36 AM MDT

  • 10835
    Once again, I am being subjected to a lecture.

    The comment being removed was directed at the post, not the person who posted it.
    The word has been used on the site without moderation, including by the moderator, 
    The explanation given for removal was that is was condescending and dismissive,  a description which covers numerous comments directed at me, which were not moderated.

    This post was edited by Jane S at October 15, 2024 8:26 AM MDT
      October 15, 2024 6:50 AM MDT

  • 10835
    That Fox interview that Kamala Harris will NEVER do airs Wednesday at 6 pm ET. 7 pm CT.

    If Trump really has a video that has content not aired for his 60 Minutes interview in 2020 which backs up his claims, he owes it to the country to release it.

    It is not necessary to lecture me on how answerMug works. I am tired of being talked down to, and that is one of the reasons I am reluctant to be completely open on this site. Being  ALLOWED to express my views is not the same as feeling comfortable doing it. I don't need you to tell me that I can choose how to respond, I am already choosing how to respond, which is mostly just presenting facts and context, not opinions. This post was edited by Jane S at October 15, 2024 8:27 AM MDT
      October 14, 2024 8:18 PM MDT

  • 33938
    Well, good for at least daring to go on the network
     It is Bret Beir so still a bit of friendly territory, but I give her the credit for going on the network.  
      October 15, 2024 5:44 AM MDT