Interesting challenge. If the person is just being a troll I would ignore them. But there are all kinds of reasons why people might go off topic. For one thing, it's just very common for social conversations to meander all over the place, and so not many people have the self-discipline of staying on point.
I might start by asking (in a polite way) whether the person is interested in the topic. If the answer is vague I would ask them to clarify how they understand the key words of the topic. Then I'd ask for their opinion on it, and then the reasons for that opinion. After that, I'd ask them whether they have an interest in my point of view. If the answer is no, I'd let it drop - perhaps take up a topic they find interesting. If yes, I would give it, and watch to see how well they are paying attention. If their response shows that they've heard and understood, the discussion can develop from there.
Very often, people need to feel heard before they can develop the ability to listen.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at November 27, 2016 9:23 PM MST
Comes a point in any discussion when you realise the person either wants to stove at the truth or convince you he already has it ... At that point you either continue or walk
Did you know that Gaia Matisse, great-great grand daughter of the artist, Henri Matisse, hangs out with Donald Trump's daughter? OOOPPSS!!! I wandered off the subject again. Sorry.
You apparently don't know what "argue" means. You are trying to demand agreement with your point of view, and that is always a weak position. You should be ready to abandon a weak position at the first challenge.
Case in point right here folks. Do you guys think this person is really missing the point? I don't think so. This is what the question is about right here.
"Argue", discuss, point of view, etc. I tried different approaches. It didn't seem to matter. I think Ozgirl hit it on the head. I did abandon the conversation. It is still frustrating, but have to let it go.
I know it! I especially dislike those that try to beat you over the head with big words. I think of them as sad little lonely angry people. They are just Bullies, keyboard warriors. I try to understand and reach out to them sometimes. Other times I just want to punch them on the mouth.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at November 27, 2016 1:38 PM MST
After more thought, I'm sort of along with Paynuts, here. I try not to argue in general. But if by "argue" you mean "discussion about various viewpoints," then I'm still interested in all of the answers you've received and can see validity in all of them (of the ones I saw).
This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at November 27, 2016 2:27 PM MST