Maybe I could kick his butt if I was still in my prim and he fell for my Popeye Surprise move. The Popeye Surprise move is were you pretend to twist up your wrist then let it go and move your arm up and down while making a loud spinning propeller sound with your lips. Then when he is trying to figure out what kind of idiot you are you take him out with a sweep kick and elbow to the middle of their back. Cheers!
Ya I'd have to use my Mary Popins move - thats were I open up an umbrella and float out of the ring before he killed me. I seen that guy fight he's one tuff dude and even when I was in my prim he could of knocked me out in a couple of seconds. Cheers!
If he wanted to fight a lady he would be unchivalrous. I would feel justified in using a Tokarev pistol to save my life. Several bullets in each knee should stop him.