Discussion » Questions » Human Behavior » Has society made us believe that asking questions about our differences, our language, history and culture is racist?

Has society made us believe that asking questions about our differences, our language, history and culture is racist?

I use to travel to different countries (mainly European) to experience their culture and lifestyle.  I use to travel to London as it is a very diverse city. I remember people use to ask questions about their differences, their cultures and history. We had stereotypical jokes about each other.  Now I feel things have changed drastically, especially in Western countries, people no longer appear proud to embrace their own culture, their histories, their races which has almost become a dirty word and has been changed to ethnicity.  Asking questions about our differences is almost frowned upon, and we get names thrown around like racist just because we ask questions about other peoples history or politics, language and cultures. I fear we are going to lose our individuality, our years of culture, flair, colour and history over to some form of communism. We are being discouraged to think of ourselves as individuals from years and years of so much story to tell, in exchange for a hive mind. What do you think? 

Posted - May 18, 2017


  • 22891
    seems like it
      May 18, 2017 5:53 PM MDT

  • Everything is today is screwed up. Everything is racist, but not only that, only white people are racist. Everything is sexist, but only men can be sexist. Did you know that it was considered racist when a college cook served a spin off Mexican recipe. Students claimed it was a racist because it wasn't authentic. The very reason for existence of things like art, music, decoration, etc, portions of many different cultures must be able to be mixed or borrowed from in order for creativity to evolve. Now, we call it Cultural Appropriation and we frown upon it by calling it racist. Our society is sick and far too politically correct.
      May 18, 2017 6:09 PM MDT

  • 1713
    Every little thing is racist these days. I bet some of those ultra politically correct people would accuse me of being racist for the horrible crime of being born a mixed race. Seriously, some of those "anti-racist" people think intermixing races is wrong and evil. Heaven forbid people fall in love with another human being despite having different ethnicity...
      May 18, 2017 11:06 PM MDT

  • 17660
    It has tried.  It hasn't worked on the strong minded among us.  
      May 18, 2017 11:49 PM MDT

  • 53693
      May 19, 2017 12:04 AM MDT