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Discussion » Questions » Outside the Mug » POLL: if you found out that tildes were harmed in the production of a question or an answer, which of the following actions would you take?

POLL: if you found out that tildes were harmed in the production of a question or an answer, which of the following actions would you take?

I. I don't even know what they are.

II. I don't even know what they are, but you sure do post about them a lot.  Are you a mental patient or something?

III.  I don't even know what they are, nor do I care.

IV. They're not real, just like UFOs and government quality-of-life programs.

V. I'd call PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals).  No, wait, ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals).  Hold on, tildes aren't animals!

VI. I'd call the Grammar Police.  Wait, they're not real either.

VII. Oh, I suppose you expect me to call 911 and get arrested for frivolously tying up their lines with your bogusness.  You'd like that, you weirdo.

VIII. Why are you using Roman numerals?  Reported.

IX. Didn't Sharonna sufficiently chastise you for posting all these silly tilde-related questions?

X. Livvie!  Somehow he's got his hands on some more tildes!  Time for another rescue roundup!

XI. That's silly: everyone knows that tildes can't feel pain.

XII. Two or more of the above.

XIII. None of the above/other answer: __________________________________.


Posted - June 17, 2017


  • 5450
    Livvie!  Somehow he's got his hands on some more tildes!  Time for another rescue roundup!

    I've rescued so many of your tildes I had to open a new tilde sanctuary in Colorado.  Umm yeah, I just noticed something wrong with Cañon City's sign.  I'm calling the Policía Gramática on you, Colorado Department of Transportation!

    My tilde sanctuary in New Mexico is at capacity.

    This post was edited by Livvie at June 18, 2017 6:50 AM MDT
      June 17, 2017 11:08 PM MDT

  • 7683
      June 17, 2017 11:29 PM MDT

  • 7683
      June 17, 2017 11:32 PM MDT

  • 16929
    Other answer : hide the evidence by eating them. Tildes are delicious.
      June 18, 2017 12:08 AM MDT

  • 53563
      June 18, 2017 7:00 AM MDT

  • 11286
    None of the above. I would laugh gleefully. Tildes are worse than cockroaches.
      June 18, 2017 4:14 AM MDT

  • 53563

    Wait, you're wrong!  Cockroaches are everywhere.  Scientist say that even after nuclear war, cockroaches will survive the blasts and the resulting radiation poisoning at higher percentage rates than will humans. Cockroaches pop up in unexpected places at at odd times. If you see one cockroach, you know there are at least two more that you don't see lurking somewhere.  If you see two of them, there are probably ten more. If you see ten, there are dozens of them. Getting rid of cockroaches one at a time is ineffective and futile, but mass extermination of them is practically impossible. 

    Hmmmmm. You know, on second thought, maybe you're not wrong at all . . .

      June 18, 2017 6:58 AM MDT

  • 11286
    I don't want to know why you know so much about cockroaches....
      June 18, 2017 7:08 AM MDT

  • 6988
    In the vast machinery of grammar, tildes keep getting stuck in the conveyor rollers. 
      June 18, 2017 5:14 AM MDT

  • 44705
      June 18, 2017 5:50 AM MDT

  • 22891
    probably the first one
      June 18, 2017 2:33 PM MDT