I'll have you know that it's because of this exact scenario that I kept a sample of the drink you gave me back in April. I will have them test it at the lab, and when I find out what kind of Mickey you skippedslipped to me so that you could have your way with me, I'm going to file the lawsuit of the century. ~
This post was edited by Randy D at June 28, 2017 7:00 PM MDT
We don't have to agree, Sis. You're entitled to hate me and to hate my tilde-obsession, and I'll still keep on loving you. I won't give up my love of tildes, and you most likely won't give up your hatred of them. See, we understand each other.
Ok, I'll tell you what I'll do: I'm willing to drop my disownment paperwork that I filed at the county courthouse if you'll rescind yours too. Wait, I'll withdraw mine whether you do it also or not. Next, you can moan and complain as much as you like about tildes, and I'll fight you tooth and nail on it. Everything else not related to tildes remains the same between us. Fair? Deal? Kosher? Kopasetic?
Guys with diaper/baby fetishes would be the utter LAST man I'd ever be with hahaha (and I'm the most nonjudgmental person )... If B is the father, I must have been very very drunk LOL