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In another universe Republicans and Democrats WORKED TOGETHER to fix the Affordable Health Care Act and passed it! Nice fantasy ain't it?

Posted - July 11, 2017


  • 46117
    In another Universe, Congress grew a brain and realized there is NOTHING to fix.

      July 11, 2017 6:34 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Actually the Affordable Health Care Act does require some tweaks Shar to make it better. Dems agree to that  wholeheartedly and have no problem working out those kinks. Repealing is dumb. Replacing with a GOP plan many Republicans detest would be Stoopid Dumb. The American people by a HUGE majority (Dems and Republicans) want Congress to WORK TOGETHER to make the existing healthcare plan BETTER.  Let's see how much power the smart ones have to override and stop the stoopid dumbs from getting their way! Thank you for your reply and the graphic! :)
      July 12, 2017 3:33 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Sure, Rosie.  It needs some tweaking.  But I'm putting my hands in front of my eyes because of the tweakers.   We have more RED tweaking in Congress than BLUE.  That scares me more than anything else.

    I'd rather have what already works regarding the Health Care Bill just remain static and left alone with no further tweaking by those who have a strict agenda to pad their pockets and do anything pig Trump says to do regarding any thought in their heads.

    This is not going to get tweaked in a positive fashion as far as anyone can see.  This also is going to be taken as TRUMP care no matter what.  That is the whole idea.  Change the NAME.

    Finally a Trump brand that works, and if it by some miracle it ACTUALLY does happen to work,  it is  because he stole it from Obama and  changed very little. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at July 13, 2017 8:36 AM MDT
      July 13, 2017 8:33 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Well I 'd prefer a bi-partisan FIX m'dear so each team would share in the ownership of it. But then there are a lot of things I would prefer. McConnell is gonna try to shame the Senators into voting for it. One Senator said if you are a Republican and don't vote for the  GOP version you are voting for Obamacare. Doofus Donny said he will sign the bill immediately upon receiving it and says it was something the Republicans have promised for years. Like promises matter to any of them!  We'll see if there is a last-minute- forced-saugage-into-casing approach to make the bill pass. McConnell delayed the summer break by two weeks to get this thing enacted and signed. SIGH. So we wait. :( Thank you for your reply! :)
      July 13, 2017 8:39 AM MDT

  • 17020
    The ACA has flaws, but it's a billion times better than what Trump and his cohorts are proposing. It's still unlikely to pass the Senate - and a GOP stalwart is one of the chief filibusters. I'm liking McCain more every week.
      July 11, 2017 6:40 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Remember when McCain was running for prez how he stood up to that stoopid dumb woman who said Obama wasn't an American citizen? He was the only one who did so. Heroes rise up to the occasion and show you whom they are. He did and has. Good for him! Thank you for your thoughtful answer Sbf!  :)
      July 12, 2017 3:35 AM MDT

  • 17020
    It's a pity that he was served up as the fall guy in 08 (with a brain-dead dingbat as running mate, to make sure  he couldn't be elected even by accident). Had the GOP held him in reserve until the furore over Dubya's GFC blew over (say running him in 2016 instead) I believe he'd have made a fine President - the only sticking point being his advanced age, so they'd also have to pick a running mate with some sense, maybe Rand Paul or Marco Rubio. You gotta have a GOP Prez at least occasionally, but they're stifling what little talent they have. This post was edited by Slartibartfast at July 13, 2017 8:20 AM MDT
      July 12, 2017 5:00 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Rand Paul would not be my choice. I'd rather that a more  moderate Republican with PRINCIPLES were tapped for that job. Susan Collins comes to mind. I'm not sure how old she is but she is definitely serving her constituents well. She listens to them and works on behalf of what will benefit them, not the political party. There are a couple of other Republican Senators whose states have a high percentage of folks on Medicaid. They won't vote for a bill that cuts it drastically. Marco Rubio is a rollover guy. Pushover. Nothing special in my eyes. Rand Paul thinks the bill is much too generous and wants it gutted much further to harm more people. He is dangerous in my opinion. Now McCain wanted Lieberman for his veep as I recall but the powers that be shoved Sara Palin down his throat. Why I don't know. She sure was good fodder for Tina Fey though as Doofus Donny is great fodder for Alec Baldwin and Sean Spicer is great fodder for Melissa McCarthy! I like the copycats far better than the originals in each case. Bet you do too! Thank you for your reply Sbf. If any other candidate had insulted McCain like that he/sje would have been gone overnight. Doofus Donny supporters? They are a strange bunch.  I shall leave it at that!  :) This post was edited by RosieG at July 13, 2017 8:30 AM MDT
      July 13, 2017 8:28 AM MDT

  • 46117
    The flip-flopper finally flopped in a positive direction.   How'd that ever happen?

      July 13, 2017 8:38 AM MDT

  • 22891
    you never know, maybe it'll become real
      July 11, 2017 1:54 PM MDT