Discussion » Questions » Religion and Spirituality » Are there any significant spiritual difference between Christian rosaries and Buddhist prayer beads.

Are there any significant spiritual difference between Christian rosaries and Buddhist prayer beads.

To me both seem to be just a practical solution to keep track of how far you have gotten in saying/chanting your prayers/mantras

Posted - October 2, 2017


  • 2657
    Your #8 response started with: "I do apologize, silly me, I did not realize that it needed to have happened within the last week or so to count as an act of terror."

    So when you quote and isolate verses out of context it is okay but when I respond giving you the context, it is me spouting biblical drivel?

    And on the contrary, rather or not the Christian Greek Scriptures are inspired, they should be very relevant in what defines Christian beliefs and actions. I don't consider the Quran to be from God but I am not going to engage a Muslim quoting the Quran and then when he quotes it, deflect as if I wasn't quoting it myself as if it wasn't supposed to be an authority in Muslim doctrine. 
      October 4, 2017 3:07 PM MDT

  • 591
    You are off again, in my last comment I made it very clear that I had not stated that you had defined an act of terror. 'it needed to have happened within the last week or so to count as an act of terror.' clearly states that I am referring to a time factor (imposed by you) as what acts of terror were admissible in the dialog.

    Next, 'So when you quote and isolate verses out of context it is okay but when I respond giving you the context, it is me spouting biblical drivel? how can you possibly say that when I have made it abundantly clear that I consider the bible to be a book of 'ancient myths and fairy stories' and I also clearly stated 'You see two can play at the cherry picking game but as I do not for one moment believe in you book of myths and fairy tales I will not be playing that game.' So no it is not okay when I use the bible any more than it is if you use it.
    Next, you spout about context after having just said and I quote, 'Try to take my comments at face value'
    Next, please make some kind of sense out of this and repost it'
    And on the contrary, rather or not the Christian Greek Scriptures are inspired, they should be very relevant in what defines Christian beliefs and actions. I don't consider the Quran to be from God but I am not going to engage a Muslim quoting the Quran and then when he quotes it, deflect as if I wasn't quoting it myself as if it wasn't supposed to be an authority in Muslim doctrine. 
      October 4, 2017 3:45 PM MDT

  • 2657
    Okay, you were not saying that I was saying that an act of terror had to have happened within the last week or so for me to count it as an act of terror. Thanks for explaining that wasn't what you were saying. Sorry.

    When I said to 'Try to take my comments at face value' that was in response to you saying something that didn't appear to be what I said but you cleared it up that you were not really meaning what I took it as. That being said, you should consider the context of what the Bible says rather than saying or implying something that when read in the context, the context doesn't allow for it. 
    For example: [ 'Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.]  That doesn't say to go to war or to kill anyone with the sword. Isolating that verse, one could possibly think that is what it is saying as I have had many people say that to me, 'Christians', atheist and a Muslim, but that is not what the verse says and the context absolutely doesn't allow for it.
      October 4, 2017 6:15 PM MDT

  • 591
    First give me one good reason why I or anyone else should even take the bible seriously yet alone worry about it's context? I have already said I am not going to play cherry picking bible verses but allow me to say that in your context, JC is telling some poor bastard to sell the very clothes of his back in order to buy a sword that he is never going to be allowed to use, and you asked me to 'get real'
      October 4, 2017 7:34 PM MDT

  • 2657
    Quote: "First give me one good reason why I or anyone else should even take the bible seriously yet alone worry about it's context? "
    Don't you already have your mind made up that there is not one good reason to take the Bible seriously? didn't you say in another thread that you don't even accept that Jesus really existed?
    I would think that when having a conversation about the Bible, or anything else for that matter, one would wan't to consider the context.

    Rather or not someone in that small group he was speaking to sold his outer garment he was wearing at the time to get one of the two swords I don't know, but they came up with two swords and he said it is enough as that was enough to teach a lesson.
      October 5, 2017 6:41 AM MDT

  • 591
    I have decided that so far I have not been given valid evidence to support the multitude of biblical claims or the claim that jesus existed but even if I were to accept that he did exist, that would still be a long way off showing that he was the son of any god or that miracles were performed. As far as the old testament goes, well that is literally a joke. There is no point in considering context until it has been proven that the main characters and events in it are for real, in other words, the literal word of god as claimed and to do that you would also have to prove wrong ever other religion's teachings/holy books etc. in order to show as your book claims that there is only one god. Have fun with that task. This post was edited by myonemaster at October 5, 2017 3:24 PM MDT
      October 5, 2017 3:22 PM MDT

  • 7683
    Hi Jakoba, im answering a question from you for the first time. Regarding buddhist prayer beads, I would like you to visit this link https://www.buddhist-malas.com/faq-buddhist-malas.htmli would like to draw your attention to Hindu beads too,https://www.patheos.com/blogs/hindu2/2015/01/rudraksha-mala-choosing-correctly-and-benefiting-from-it/
    umm this link too.Do checkout   

      October 2, 2017 10:20 PM MDT

  • Not really much of a difference at all. Whether one is Catholic, Hindu, or Buddhist, the history and use of prayer beads has it's origins in paganism.
      October 2, 2017 11:41 PM MDT

  • 1305
    The Catholic Church means "Universal," it incorporates all religions which is why the priests wear Fish Mitre hats from the worship of Dagon,  skull caps from Jewish worship, why the pope kisses the Koran, and kneels before the Black virgin Mary (isis and horus), so it's no surprise they have prayer beads from Buddhism.  They have a not so subtle sundial outside St Peters, with an Egyptian Obelisk (Osiris), and the statue of St Peter, is the God Jupiter, the Vatican is built on the old Mithra temple.  Mithras Sol Invictus who Constantine loyally worshipped until death. This post was edited by kjames at October 3, 2017 11:53 AM MDT
      October 3, 2017 11:53 AM MDT

  • 17048
    Do you get your information from Jack Chick's comic books?
    The fish mitre hat is a sop to the profession of Simon Peter, recognised by the RC Church as the first episcope of Rome and thus the first Pope (Feed my sheep. Look after my lambs). It's on a level with the shepherd's crook (required to tend said sheep). His statue also is tribute to that, erected during the Middle Ages when icon worship (idolatry) became institutionalized. The prayer beads were also incorporated around that time, when the mother of Christ was raised almost to goddess level by the Church. The Pope does not kiss the Qur'an, the "black virgin Mary" doesnt exist and the Obelisk and sundial date to Gregorian times when the calendar was realigned (the turn of a century is not a leap year unless the year is divisible by 400).
    Study a little history, please.
      October 3, 2017 4:32 PM MDT

  • 1305
    Never heard of him. Catholic means universal, that's not a secret, Constantine was fed up of the infighting within the religions he set up the Catholic Church in order to unite the religions under one.  I've been to Rome, the most impressive things are the Egyptian statues in the Vatican, it's not a secret the Vatican is built on top of the old Mithra  temple, and that the statues are of the old Roman Gods, have you been to Rome, St Peters or the Vatican?  I have.

    Fish Mitre hat is of the Dagan belief,

    Pope kissing Koran

    Sundial and obelisk (shaft),  

    Here it is again in America


    Sun wheel

    Just in case you are still not convinced this was one of the most fascinating and disturbing statues in the Vatican, I found it creepy because of the skeleton underneath the veil holding out a glass timer, above are the four goddess virtues, Charity, Prudence, Justice and Truth.

    Truth has her foot on the globe, and in her arms she cradles.....

    The sun.

    Another Mirthra God (3rd one down) represents the same as what the Cherub with four faces in Ezekiel -  Man Aquarius Matthew Air or Aer in latin, Lion Leo Mark Fire or Ignis in Latin,  Eagle/Serpent/Scorpio John, water Aqua, and Bull Taurus, Luke Earth, or Terra in Latin, because they are all about the Zodiac wheel, these are the four fixed signs.  Virgo the virgin is venerated in Catholicism, the virginity and immaculate conception is unbiblical but important,  when the Virgin of the zodiac Virgo gives birth to the man who will judge the world in Libra, when Jesus is at his strongest in Summer, he is in Leo the lion of Judah, he is crucified in March, same as the Passover, because this is where the celestial equator and the earths equator CROSS, and he brings judgement on the world in Libra the scales because this is the Autumn Equinox where the second crossing happens and where the veil to this world and the celestial realm is thought to be at it's most thinnest, which is why Halloween also happens in this month as the pagan ancestral worship welcomes them back.  Mirtha is shown cutting the bulls throat because the aeon of Taurus had ended and we'd entered Aries which is why |Isacc was replaced with a RAM, and why Jesus is the sacrificial Lamb.

    In pisces Jesus is represented as as the fisher of Men, and you often see the fish on the back of peoples cars.

    This symbol is this

    See the fish? The Vesica Pisces also comes from this and you often see Mary inside of it...

    We also come from a similar looking orifice, into this world everyone of us, our ayin (eyes) also look like this.

    This is Coma, and she also exists in Virgo, the Virgin who stands with her sheath of wheat.

    Hermes and the Caduceus

    The God Orpheus the shepherd

    Oldest Jewish Symbol

    Mazzaroth or what we call Zodiac wheel, or wheel of life.

    72 names of God. 

    Decans are in the church, a decan is also a slice of the Zodiac wheel 10 days, one sign is 30 days, this is because 30 x 12 signs or disciples or hours or months = 360 a full circle ie the wheel.

    The Jews always had the Menorah, with seven or nine lights, the shamash is the servant light, it is lit first and then serves to light all the other candles, their was a deity called Shamash, he represented the Sun, god of justice called Utu in Sumer.

    This post was edited by kjames at October 5, 2017 5:21 AM MDT
      October 4, 2017 6:08 PM MDT

  • 17048
    The Immaculate Conception is certainly biblical, Lk 1:34.
    Two Popes have kissed the Qur'an - one was a Nazi, shared Arab anti-Semitism. The other had been shot by a Muslim fundamentalist and probably did it under duress, in fear. Francis never has. 

      October 5, 2017 5:55 AM MDT

  • 1305
    The immaculate conception is NOT Mary conceiving Jesus, it is about the conception of MARY.

    The statue in the St Peters, it is at the back of St Peters, and large, has the four virtues as Goddesses, Prudence, Charity, Justice and Truth. Truth stands with her foot on the globe, and in her arms she cradles the SUN of God, not the Son of God. It's there in full view on Pope Alexanders VII Tomb.

    The Catholic Church is universal it incorporates all religion because Sun Worship is the largest religion it governs our year, our crops, when to sow and when to reap. Constantine never gave up his worship of Sol Invictus, the unconquered Sun.

    Three kings looking for the birth of the son, the three magi on Orions belt, they point to the star Sirius, the star of Bethlehem. This is about astronomy which is why many monuments, or significant places align with the star system or celestial realm. This post was edited by kjames at October 11, 2017 7:06 PM MDT
      October 8, 2017 10:27 AM MDT

  • 2657
    I didn't know that was what the immaculate conception was. Interesting.
      October 11, 2017 7:07 PM MDT

  • kjames, I agree, the word "catholic" means universal. However,  it's crucially important to remember, that when the early Christians used the term “catholic,” they were not referring to any particular church, denomination, rite, or communion. They were simply referring to all true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Roman Catholic Church itself has capitalized "catholic" because it erroneously believe's that their church is the only original and universal church. As do the Eastern Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox believe that their church is the only original and universal church. Which they are not.
      October 4, 2017 11:18 AM MDT

  • 6023
    If you want an objective answer:  Nope.  Both inanimate objects that have no supernatural power.
      October 4, 2017 3:20 PM MDT

  • 7280

    Well, if we are qualifying the nature of our answers, here what I would characterize as a practical sense answer:

    It seems that these three major faiths all use prayer beads as an aid for repetitive prayer in which the goal is at least mediation. It is easy to see that when performing repetitive prayer, it helps to have something to keep track of the number of prayers prayed.  Hence it makes sense that someone would use something like beads in repetitive prayer because they are small, inexpensive, and easy to make.  And repetitive prayer by nature seems to aid meditation, and meditation is important to any religion....

    And here is the web site I took that from. https://www.catholiccompany.com/getfed/prayer-beads-phenomenon/ 

    And just an observation, I don't understand why there is such a problem when pagan influences are found in the history of the Church.  When Christ died and rose again, he established a new reality that worked backward in time as well, and re-established the relationship of all good with His Father, the Creator.  He then sent the Holy Spirit to sanctify what was still in the future.

    You don't have to see it my way, but my way is a lot more fun for me that trying to live as you who don't think that makes sense seem to enjoy. 


      October 11, 2017 10:49 PM MDT

  • 2657
    Hello tom. In relation to 'It is easy to see that when performing repetitive prayer, it helps to have something to keep track of the number of prayers prayed' and 'I don't understand why there is such a problem when pagan influences are found in the history of the Church', what do you make of what Jesus said about praying at Matthew 6:7 'do not say the same things over and over again' and:
    (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. For what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have? Or what sharing does light have with darkness? 15 Further, what harmony is there between Christ and Beʹli·al? Or what does a believer share in common with an unbeliever? 16 And what agreement does God’s temple have with idols? For we are a temple of a living God; just as God said: “I will reside among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people.” 17 “‘Therefore, get out from among them, and separate yourselves,’ says Jehovah, ‘and quit touching the unclean thing’”; “‘and I will take you in.’” 18 “‘And I will become a father to you, and you will become sons and daughters to me,’ says Jehovah, the Almighty.”
    (1 Corinthians 10:21) You cannot be drinking the cup of Jehovah and the cup of demons; you cannot be partaking of “the table of Jehovah” and the table of demons.

    (Mark 7:9) Further, he said to them: “You skillfully disregard the commandment of God in order to keep your tradition.
    (Mark 7:13) Thus you make the word of God invalid by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like this.”
      October 12, 2017 7:54 PM MDT