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Discussion » Questions » Human Behavior » Face it folks. Human are robots too. We are PROGRAMMED at conception by DNA. No wonder so many of us are heartless. Right?

Face it folks. Human are robots too. We are PROGRAMMED at conception by DNA. No wonder so many of us are heartless. Right?

Posted - December 9, 2017


  • 53625

      December 9, 2017 10:45 AM MST

  • 10759
    Wrong.  Yes, they human body is a remarkable machine, but that doesn't make a person a robot.  A robot MUST follow programming, but a person has the ability of choice.  Sure, their genetic makeup may make certain choices harder for a person (i.e, smoking, over eating), but nonetheless they still have a choice.  Unfortunately, people tend to want to take the course of least resistance.  In other words, they prefer to take the easiest way.  Putting "self" first is the easiest way (always look out for #1).  Being heartless and cruel doesn't take nearly as much effort as being kind, considerate (polite?) and civil toward others does.  Do you smile 24/7?  Of course not, as smiling takes effort.  You have to force your face muscles to take a position that's not natural.  
    Yes, the body is "programed" at conception (and beyond).  It's programed as to what gender it will become (all start out as female); where certain features will be located (position of eyes on face, etc.); eye color, nose length, blood type - and much more.  Yet genetics don't make a person heartless... they CHOOSE to be that way.  
      December 9, 2017 12:04 PM MST

  • 113301
    Finally! Something we disagree about DOES exist! This. We make choices. Based on whom we are Shuhak. How our minds work..our preferences...all are controlled by our DNA. Of course we have choices. it is the choices we make that are due to DNA. What foods we prefer..the music that pleases us..what clothing we like to wear..the cars we drive. Based on choices. Which are based on our DNA. You cannot escape it. You don't choose things you least sensible people don't. You CHOOSE what you like. The choice doesn't arrive out of nothing. It is based on something. That something is your DNA. So good. I'm glad we disagree on something. Thank you for thoughtful reply. I prefer jazz and classical music. I choose to listen to them. I don't like rap or heavy metal. Why is that do you suppose? I despise the color chartreuse. I love the color blued. DNA again. I like gentle quiet subtle clever humor that is not based on ridiculing others. I don't like slapstick or pratfalls. Why? I choose licorice over  candy corn. Why? My favorite author is John Steinbeck. Why? You see? From my view everything I say and do is based on my own particular DNA. OK. I beat that horse to death. We shall move on. Happy Sunday! :)
      December 10, 2017 1:50 AM MST

  • 10759
    No one agrees on everything.  :)

    However, the reason you don't like rap music is because rap isn't music.  It's just noise.  
      December 10, 2017 9:21 AM MST

  • 46117
    Some are. 

    Some are destined to be psychopaths. 

    Some are.

    What does it mean?  To me, they carried something dreadful over from a past life.  Like Adolph Hitler?  Sure.  I think that is the message.  The rest of us get to analyze why this occurred and discover ways in the human condition to seek a way to cure this ill. 

    This is a mass consciousness disease to me.  When someone is not wired correctly, it is the burden of those in society to address and correct and find a compassionate cure.  We must or we will be overridden like we are now.

    There are maniacs on every street corner.  Don't kid yourself.
      December 9, 2017 12:11 PM MST

  • 113301
    Until the evil donald john was elected prez (not really...he LOST by almost 3 million votes) I did not realize the terrible circumstances that exist in the United States. I am appalled, shocked, disappointed, embarrassed and quite distressed not to mention terrified that there are so many donald john worshippers. That tells me what surrounds me daily. It is something out of the most macabre Grand Guignol HORROR story. Those who voted for this piece of human trash because they despised Hillary but now regret it I do not fear. They gambled and lost. It is those who worship whatever doofus don does or says that scare me. They are multitude. They are the gun people. They are the ones who still want to lock up Hillary Clinton. The ones who will never believe Barack Obama was a Christian Citizen. They are the ones that live for doofus don's raunchy raucous rallies. They are jubilant and proud and cocky and pushy and confrontational. The uglier meaner crueler doofus don is the more they cleave unto him and love the he** outta him. They put him before everything including their religion, any character/integrity they used to have and their own families. I am well aware of them Sharon. I do not kid myself. BUT DNA is the master you cannot disobey anyway. They are wired at birth to be that way then their loving parents inculcate within them the great hate they have for good and the great love they have for racism, bigotry and the desire to destroy anything/anyone who won't roll over. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday! :)
      December 10, 2017 2:00 AM MST

  • 13395
    Our basis abilities are programmed but not much else eg. I was not programmed to remain single all my life or join the Navy etc.
    How could anyone be programmed to be heartless?
      December 9, 2017 12:14 PM MST

  • 113301
    You cannot escape your DNA Kg. As you life plays out everything you do/say/think/feel/desire is controlled by it. In my opinion. Thank you for your thoughtful answer and Happy Sunday! :)
      December 10, 2017 2:02 AM MST

  • 5835
    My bible says we are gods. We just need to learn how to act like it.
      December 9, 2017 3:05 PM MST

  • 22891
    right, but not everyone is heartless
      December 9, 2017 4:33 PM MST

  • 1713
    Wouldn't that make all living things heartless robots then?
    We're not the only ones "programmed" by dna.
    Besides, robots are cool anyway.
      December 9, 2017 6:42 PM MST

  • 5835
      December 9, 2017 9:51 PM MST