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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I wonder. The women at the King don rally who clapped and cheered when he made fun of METOO folks. Do they support sexual abuse of women?

I wonder. The women at the King don rally who clapped and cheered when he made fun of METOO folks. Do they support sexual abuse of women?

The ones who support King don must approve of what he has done. I think 19 women have accused him of sexual  perversion. So here's the question. Are they JEALOUS of those women for being alluring? Do they WANT THEM PUNISHED for being beautiful? What other reason could a woman have who supports men who are sexually perverted and believe every woman's body is theirs to play with and consent is never considered? Are they sick/depraved/demented or just women who never had anyone make an unwelcome pass at them?

Posted - July 8, 2018


  • 6988
    He is a billionaire and women act all gaga in his presence. 
      July 8, 2018 9:58 AM MDT

  • 113301
     The ones who are that braindead belong to the Repulican party. Other normal women are appalled. The braindead cheerers and clappers get off on it. Oh well. Different strokes. Thank you for your reply bh. Thankfully all the women in my life find such women to be disgusting traitors.  SIGH. :(
      July 8, 2018 10:06 AM MDT

  • 6477
    Correction, *some* women.. a minority, and not very bright ones at that, but since they complained... we have to conclude that it doesn't excuse what he did 
      July 8, 2018 2:43 PM MDT

  • 6098
    I would have flagged this question as offensive but I know that  our president is considered fair game on this site so nothing would be done about it.  I cannot answer for them because I was not there nor am I acquainted with the people who were there. 

    But I can point out that to many of us men who make passes are not "sexually perverted" nor is that "sexual abuse".  Rather they are just normal men being interested in us.  And in case you haven't noticed normal men do like to "play with us" - and oh whether we are "alluring" or "beautiful" or neither.  The way you have phrased your question you make it sound in fact as though it is somehow our fault simply for being alluring or beautiful which in fact is not true at all. 

    Now the "METOO folks" rather make themselves a joke first by suggesting that any "unwelcome pass" is "abuse" or, for that matter, "perverted".   Secondly by celebrating themselves as victims which is nothing at all to celebrate.  And thirdly by acting like somehow they  have discovered a new and different and exciting bandwagon to get on and be a part of.  When real abuse - by which I mean pressure and coercion has always been with us and most of us, rather than sitting around and basking in our victimhood, have learned, often each in our own way, to deal with it as a real and ever-present fact of our lives.  Because it is always going to be there no matter how much or how little press it gets or how many cute popular culture groups we found.

    So, to me as well as perhaps  many billions of women, it does no good to make ourselves more victims than we already are but makes the most sense to learn and teach one another how to deal with it and to keep it from happening and how to deflect it.  Not to be shocked and outraged but simply how to handle it when it comes up.  Which many of us have been doing or trying to do for many years.  Many of my posts on this site and another site have dealt in a very practical manner about this subject - how we must acknowledge but ignore and not get drawn in to a whole thing.  You perhaps don't know that many men will approach us just in order to test us or to exercise what they see as their "superiority" in comparison to us socially or professionally.  So if we fall for such tricks or become flustered by them and lose our focus or start getting off on the attention then they don't respect us and see us just as fair game.  Because just any willingness on our part to play their game they see as acknowledging their superiority. 

    Don't know about you but I like men - and all kinds of men - and I like and want them to play with my body. Now if that in any way makes me "sick/depraved/demented" then I willingly plead guilty!    Just as I willingly give them my consent.  Men who do not respect me and try to use pressure or coercion can go to hell - they are bastards and I will not let my life be controlled by the bastards however much I am or have been victimized.  Most men are sensible.  Do they press their advantages?  Yes they do and you know really I would not have it any other way!

    Some of us are "alluring" and "beautiful", some of us are plain. To suggest that only the former are somehow the only ones who are victimized is nonsense. As is to suggest that somehow those of us who are more plain desire to be victimized.  We each must come to terms with who and what we are which we do in some way or other - or we must suffer ourselves with it.  Now I have often wished I were more alluring or beautiful but because I was not I have had to cultivate other aspects of myself and I have done very well for myself thank you very much.  As for the women who publicly accuse only celebrities of abuse I think it rather shameful that they would try and seek fame or fortune through being the victims of unwanted advances.  They are the ones who are looking to be seen as somehow "alluring" or "beautiful" I think.  And while you might suggest that OK I have never been abused by anyone of any consequence I would say that I choose not to be known by my private misfortunes or as a victim  but rather by my joys and positive contributions as a living and feeling and autonomous but loving human being. This post was edited by officegirl at July 18, 2018 2:29 PM MDT
      July 8, 2018 11:05 AM MDT

  • 6098
    It is a very unfortunate liberal belief that if we are serious about something we must somehow join some kind of established club or "movement" (sorry don't know how far just saying we are victims will move us).  So you choose to conclude that unless I bow down and tear out my hair and weep and wail as well as wear sackcloth and ashes to "metoo" then somehow I "support" sexual abuse.   By the same token you might (and btw have) accused me on here of being "racist" because I do not join or support "Black lives matter".  Which I can't help seeing as making it all be a matter of the gesture and the lip service and the acknowledgement rather that anything more real and concrete. 
      July 8, 2018 11:16 AM MDT

  • 13071
    Right On oficegirl. You definitely rock. ;)
      July 8, 2018 11:51 AM MDT

  • 13071
      July 8, 2018 11:50 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Oh thank you dear but haha only the askers get to pick.  Goodness I really got going on that one didn't I?  But those are things I have and do think about. 
      July 8, 2018 11:54 AM MDT

  • 6477
    Real men don't treat women like sex objects, they treat women like people.. Real women don't feel they have to be pretty or wear clothing that pleases men.. real women don't feel like their only worth is as someone attractive to men..  Excusing such behaviour in men allows it to continue.. People forget that real damage occurs this way, women get raped, hurt, abused.. 

    Someone saying you look pretty, hot, cute, sexy isn't sexual abuse but it is disrespectful because it demonstrates that that's all they see.. they don't see  a person, just a potential provider of sexual entertainment.. 

    And yea women need to wise up and to protect themselves from this.. but by definition that implies that at some point the woman would be vulnerable and not have learned to avoid and deflect.. and that;s when they get hurt.. abused.. 

    Aside from that I'd say re the Trump supporters.. you really cannot pay too much attention to them and what they do, most of them really aren't that bright, they probably can't even spell sexual harassment let alone understand how it happens/
      July 8, 2018 2:56 PM MDT

  • 2706
    Instead of responding to your veiled and offensive liberal question, I'll say this about liberalism. I find that most liberals are incapable of understanding the world. Liberalism has become such a hate-filled and cancerous philosophy that most liberals wouldn’t behave differently if their goal were to deliberately destroy this country. It is usually impossible for a non-liberal to change a liberal’s mind about political issues because liberalism works like so: only liberals are credible sources of information. So, no matter how plausible what you say may be, it will be ignored if you’re not a liberal and if you are a liberal, of course, you probably agree with liberal views. This sort of close-mindedness makes liberals nearly impervious to any information that might undermine their beliefs. 

      Liberal sources of information are ever present.  Imagine the average day for liberals. They get up and read their local newspaper which has a liberal viewpoint. They take their kids to school, where the teachers are liberal. Then they go to work, listen to NPR which has a liberal viewpoint. On the way home, they turn on the news which also skews leftward. From there, they turn on the TV and watch shows created by liberals that lean to the left, if they have any political viewpoint at all. Unless liberals actively seek out conservative viewpoints, which is unlikely, the only conservative arguments they’re probably going to hear are going to be through the heavily distorted, poorly translated, deeply skeptical lens of other liberals.

      Liberals end up feeling superior, not superior results. Liberalism is all about appearances, not outcomes. What matters to liberals is how a program makes them FEEL about themselves, not whether it works or not. Liberals are big believers in moral relativism. This spins em round and round because if the only thing that’s wrong is saying that there’s an absolute moral code, then you lose your ability to tell cause from effect, good from bad, and right from wrong. 

      Liberals view folks as parts of groups, not individuals. They also tend to take a dim view on personal responsibility. Who’s at fault if a criminal commits a crime? The criminal or society? If someone creates a business and becomes a millionaire, is that the result of hard work and talent or luck? If you’re dirt poor, starving, and haven’t worked in 5 years, is that a personal failing or a failure of the state? Conservatives would tend to say the former in each case, while liberals would tend to say the latter. But when you disconnect what an individual does from the results that happen in his life, it’s very difficult to understand cause and effect in people’s lives.

      Something else I've noticed is that liberals give themselves far too much credit for being liberal. In other words, many of the good things about a person come not from his or her actions, but from the ideology he or she holds. This has an obvious appeal. You can be a diehard misogynist, but plausibly call yourself a feminist, hate blacks, but accuse others of racism, have a subpar IQ and be an intellectual, give nothing to charity and be compassionate, etc., etc., and all you have to do is call yourself a liberal. If you’re a liberal, why actually live a life of virtue when you can merely call yourself a liberal and get credit for being virtuous, even when you’ve done nothing to earn it? As always, just my opinion. :) :)
      July 8, 2018 2:58 PM MDT

  • 6477
    'most liberals are incapable of understanding the world.' I am forever seeing this kind of thing, people ranting about lefties.. and libtards.. it's all just plain insults, never a credible argument.. That really just discredits them in my opinion, if they cannot come up with something better than insults and vague unsubstantiated claims then it seems to me they have very little credibility 
      July 8, 2018 3:14 PM MDT

  • 2706
    I just read through my answer, and unless I missed something, never once did I call anyone a "leftie" or a "libtard". I always try to refrain from using such words as an insult.

    Per you: "That really just discredits them in my opinion, if they cannot come up with something better than insults and vague unsubstantiated claims then it seems to me they have very little credibility".

      I agree it does but what you need to understand is that these insults and vague unsubstantiated claims are practiced by both conservative and liberal. Both sides that practice such things on a regular basis seem to be suffering from the same credibility problem. :)
      July 17, 2018 7:31 AM MDT

  • 17093
    Media sources are invariably owned by extremely wealthy Republicans. Try again. This post was edited by Slartibartfast at July 8, 2018 3:34 PM MDT
      July 8, 2018 3:32 PM MDT

  • 2706
    Whether one is a Democrat or, as you claim, an extremely wealthy Republican that owns the liberal media sources, liberalism is still cancer, eating away at the very foundations of this Republic. Try again. :) This post was edited by rusureamisure? at July 17, 2018 8:28 AM MDT
      July 17, 2018 7:07 AM MDT

  • 35080
    Huffington Post, Bezos, Soros, Bloomberg all conservative media outlets
    Not to mention ABC...NBC...MSNBC. Etc. 
    The only thing conservative is Fox and not all on Fox are conservative. 
      July 17, 2018 8:49 AM MDT

  • 13071
    What a great answer. ;)
      July 16, 2018 5:19 PM MDT

  • 2706
    Thank you again. I appreciate it. :)
      July 17, 2018 7:08 AM MDT

  • 13071
    What can I say. You are GOOD. ;))
      July 17, 2018 7:36 AM MDT