Here’s something nice I can say about an ex-girlfriend from years ago. She showed me her true colors soon before I was going to propose. The cheating, lying woman saved me a ton of money on the ring and being married to her.
Zoë -- beautiful eyes Yolanda (Yolie) -- best sense of humor ever Xochitl -- sexy name Wendy -- my mother's fave Vivianne -- loved to travel Uleth -- longest legs Teresa -- best French kisser Stefanie -- asked little of me Ronneille -- fought fairly Quenetha -- cute butt Pilar -- loved to try new things Odette -- exact same height as I was Nida -- sensuous laugh Marceline -- never gave up on me Lynne -- best dancer Kera -- most petite Jyli -- smartest Inez -- very religious Helene -- whitest teeth Gwen -- silliest Francine -- the exact same skin color I have Emma -- liked me first Dana -- great body Charlotte -- cute pout Belen -- tomboy Amy -- best hair