Discussion » Questions » Fashion » Has your wardrobe changed the older you've gotten?

Has your wardrobe changed the older you've gotten?

Posted - December 14, 2018


  • 53703

      Does that mean more clothing now or not as much now?
      December 15, 2018 6:04 AM MST

  • "More" ... I wear slippers during the evenings now.  :)
      December 15, 2018 9:41 AM MST

  • 35079
    I wear colors now. As a teen, I was the kid in all black. 
      December 15, 2018 6:01 AM MST

  • 6098
    I wear nicer things now that I can afford them.  I dress better and more appropriately.  I am more conscious of how I present myself. 
      December 15, 2018 6:13 AM MST

  • 17095
    It has. I'm not as buoyant as I was when I was a boy.
    I used to be a flyweight. I'd probably have difficulty getting under the welterweight limit these days.
      December 15, 2018 6:17 AM MST

  • 53703

      Not a lot. 

      December 15, 2018 8:01 AM MST

  • 3523
    Being partially colorblind, I used wear mostly earth tones.  Now I'm older and less self-conscious.  I like black and white; it's very Scandinavian.  Oh, and I trow in some blues and reds (the ones I can see) occasionally. 
      December 15, 2018 8:31 PM MST

  • 1893
    Not a lot, same waist size and weight as I was in University.  I am a runner, marathoner and Tri Athlete , so is my partner.  We eat healthy and moderately so.

    Business attire is either suits or Business Casual.  Weekends generally jeans, black T-shirt and a polar fleece or sweater. If we are going out, an Ironed shirt if needed.   Never was into trends as a Pup, still am not into trends.  We do keep our wardrobes up to date so we don't look dated.  Now Capeline and other high wicking materials been replacing rotten cotton for a long while.  Think underwear, zip Turtle necks etc.

    Tastefully classic would be the descriptor for the most part.  Do note I will never give up my Tommy Bahama shirts - they are tastefully classic This post was edited by Archerchef at December 16, 2018 4:07 PM MST
      December 16, 2018 4:31 AM MST

  • you mean the RICHER ive gotten lmao 
      December 16, 2018 11:36 PM MST

  • 1812
    Yes it has, I used to give a crap and had lots of clothes, now I am either naked or wearing one of my two identical outfits.
      December 16, 2018 11:38 PM MST