Diagnosed with 1st stage lung cancer 3 years ago when I had an MRI scan to find what was causing my chest pain -pain was not from cancer. Tumor removed 3 months later by surgery, follow up scans show I am still ok -no recurrence. Put effort to try quit smoking but cravings for nicotine made me crazy so at least I improved my diet and do more regular exercise to help prevent recurrence.
Bouts of sandwich-withdrawal alternating with tilde deprivation. As soon as I stopped taking the typo-aversion pills, everything cleared itself up on its own. I'm still very randy, though. Does that count for anything?
I guess a kidney infection. It was extremely painful and I didn't go to the hospital until I started peeing blood. That poor little kidney took permanent damage so now when I think I'm getting a uti I try to get it taken care of as soon as possible so it doesn't get all up in my kidneys again since it can get deadly if you ignore it long enough.
I had strep at 15/16 and was so so ill. I had influenza in my twenties and thought I would not make it. I did. Those are the worst illnesses in memory. I know I almost died of pneumonia when I was 3/4 and only remember a little about being in the hospital and having that tent around my bed. That's it for me and diseases.