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What is the last thing you dug?


Posted - February 21, 2019


  • 976
    The eyes out of a potato. 
      February 21, 2019 6:00 PM MST

  • I dig ( dug) this chick... I want to be her when I grow up. I think I born in wrong era cos people are not as interesting now-_-
    Edit: i can’t insert a video lol .. not sure if me or the site 

    https://youtu.be/-qgwEYNSFoA This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at February 21, 2019 10:01 PM MST
      February 21, 2019 6:05 PM MST

  • 4624
    Don't worry.
    People often become more interesting as they grow older.
    The richness of experiences, the unexpected turns of events, the changes of direction, opinion, relationships, how they/we face the challenges, it all adds up.
    It will soon be you.
      February 21, 2019 6:11 PM MST

  • Yeah, I’ve not really experienced any hardships in my life thus far. I mean except for trying settle on what brand mascara I like best. That’s been hard for me.
      February 21, 2019 6:15 PM MST

  • 4624
    I'm guessing you're joking, yes?
    No agony of amour or terrible break-up?
    No agonies over what to study or what career path to take?
    No difficulties with any family members?
    or becoming and discovering yourself?
      February 21, 2019 6:32 PM MST

  • I’ve had some pain in my life,  yes. But I don‘t Share that here for most part :) this is an escape for me. So yes just joking :)
      February 21, 2019 6:33 PM MST

  • 4624
    Grass and soil, this morning...
    each day, digging the sod out of a hillside, adjusting the level and capping with a slab of recycled concrete paving...
    slowly building a set of step, one at a time.

    At present the combo of slope, grass and clay soils means that
    in wet weather I'm apt to tumble on my arse on my way down to the barn to feed the horses.
    I'm worried that as I grow older, it could one day mean a broken hip.
    So I'm taking advantage of the present drought to build the stairs.
      February 21, 2019 6:08 PM MST

  • 10907
    A hole for a pear tree and because I believe in digging a $10 hole for a 50 cent plant it was a petty big hole. Cheers!
      February 21, 2019 6:24 PM MST

  • 4624
    I hope it flourishes and you get an abundance of delicious fruit. :)
      February 21, 2019 6:33 PM MST

  • 10907
    I have a green thumb so it's sure to flourish Cheers!  
      February 21, 2019 6:43 PM MST

  • 3523
    I dug a trench this fall to lay pipe from a water pump to the water fall I built shortly afterward.  It turned out great.
      February 21, 2019 6:34 PM MST

  • 13395
    I dug up a small patch of grass for my cat. He prefers 'wild' grass more than the cat grass you get from the pet supply store. 
      February 21, 2019 6:48 PM MST

  • 6988
      February 21, 2019 9:13 PM MST

  • 46117
    A seed out of an avocado just now.
      February 21, 2019 10:02 PM MST

  • 17543
    a piece of glass out of the sole of my shoe
      February 21, 2019 10:06 PM MST

  • 10551
    A hole to bury moss and rat droppings.
      February 21, 2019 11:14 PM MST

  • 5835
    I noticed the foundation of my house was exposed all the way around so I bought Styrofoam sheets, cut them into one foot strips, dug a trench all the way around the house and buried the strips against the exposed foundation. Suddenly I can keep my house comfortable with one heater instead of three, and my electric bill has dropped that much too.
      February 22, 2019 5:06 AM MST