Discussion » Questions » Politics » Are you a Conservative? What makes you so? I am not expecting too many responses since no one seems to knkow the defintion any more.

Are you a Conservative? What makes you so? I am not expecting too many responses since no one seems to knkow the defintion any more.

Posted - September 2, 2019


  • 6988
    My entire ancestory is conservative. Even the ones that came over from England in the 1880s. They were pioneer farmers. They had it tough, but didn't need any handouts from the govt. They got outta farming and became house painters. What that has to do with being conservative, I don't know. 
      September 2, 2019 12:35 PM MDT

  • 46117
    LOL.  It is a great story.  I can speak about the part that you guys were fortunate to be in a democracy where you were not enslaved. I think it is also fortunate that you were taking advantage of socialism each and every time you did not take advantage of the government and each and every time you did.

    Unless you live in a cave.  
      September 2, 2019 12:48 PM MDT

  • 35079
    Yes. Political:

    Lower taxes
    Strong military
    Pro Life
    Pro 2nd amendment
    Strong border security
    Pro law enforcement
    Pro real free trade
    Pro 1st amendment (religion, press, peaceful assembly...) 
    Government is not the answer to most problems.

    Support for Israel

    This post was edited by my2cents at September 3, 2019 1:09 AM MDT
      September 2, 2019 12:49 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Sure.  Me too.  It is just that reality is not as neat and clean as our list here.  
      September 2, 2019 12:51 PM MDT

  • 35079
    Well of the candidates for president who is in agreement with all of these? (Just remembered another)
      September 2, 2019 12:58 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Definitely NOT the LIAR in charge.  That is FOR DA///mn sure.

    And the SUPPORT for ISRAEL is your political dementia about a topic GOD COULD CARE LESS ABOUT.  Israel is not supported by TRUMP and YOUR insane ideas that he is the chosen one. LOLOLOLOL

    Frankenstein will lead us to heaven.  Yeah.  Frankenstein is leading you off a cliff.  

    Trump is USING the Evangelicals.  He could care less about any Jew.  Or any Pakistani, Or any BROWN person alive.  His father was a Nazi Sympathizer.  The rotten apple does not fall far from the tree.  AND YOU THINK THIS CREEP IS THE WORD OF GOD MADE FLESH OR SOMETHING?

    COME ON This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at September 2, 2019 5:25 PM MDT
      September 2, 2019 1:42 PM MDT

  • 35079
    Your first post sounded like you thought both parties were in agreement....(before I added the Israel support) so what candidate agree with those?
      September 2, 2019 2:52 PM MDT

  • 2836
    That does not make you "conservative".
    I can tick off most of those on your list.
    Your definition of "pro-life" is way off and not truly pro-life. It is "anti-abortion".  You do not seem to be "Pro_life" if you are pro-capital punishment and pro-war. We need to redefine those terms.
    Being pro or anti-Israel has nothing to do with being conservative OR liberal all

    This post was edited by Jon at September 2, 2019 4:58 PM MDT
      September 2, 2019 2:09 PM MDT

  • 46117
    You just CANNOT make this stuff up.  According to the Evangelicals, and My 2, of course, OF COURSE.  Trump is in the biblical prophesy as securing ISRAEL and putting the capital back.  You know? God is so worried about where the capital of Israel is.  

    That is in the Bible according to the Evangelicals.  TRUMP will lead the way to HEAVEN.  They seriously think this is prophesy.  

    A lying EVIL DOER is not someone that GOD ever chose to do his bidding EVER.  
      September 2, 2019 2:25 PM MDT

  • 35079
    No, I have never said Trump is in the Bible. I have said the Bible speaks of the Eagle (USA) defending Israel. Obama also did this when he helped Israel finish their iron dome defense system. 

    Israels capital is mentioned in the Bible. It is were Jesus will return to rule and reign. You can read it yourself or not...does not matter to me.
      September 2, 2019 2:47 PM MDT

  • 35079
    Prolife means anti abortion rights. Just as prochoice means pro abortion rights. I did not know that was in debate. Those terms have been in use for decades. 

    Pro capital punishment....yes as long as there is DNA proof of murder. Pro war....no. Pro Peace through military strength.

    Being proIsrael used to be p
    Bipartisan but that seems to be changing. 

      September 2, 2019 2:42 PM MDT

  • 2836
    They absolutely should be in debate because the term "prolife" is inaccurate and inappropriate.

    You may not call yourself   "prolife" if you are pro capital punishment, support  war, are opposed to healthcare as a basic  human right, and oppose measures to house and feed the marginalized and less fortunate.  

    Being pro israel and anti Israel are position held by  both sides. That was and is still a fact
     What we see today is the GOP pandering to Israel while courting white nationalists and neo Nazis.

    This post was edited by Jon at September 2, 2019 4:59 PM MDT
      September 2, 2019 3:56 PM MDT

  • 35079
    The antiabortion movement has been called prolife since the issue came about. And it members does not need anyone's permission to use the term. We are pro life of the innocent unborn baby.

    I hope the support of Israel remains nonpartisan...we will have to wait and see.
      September 2, 2019 4:57 PM MDT

  • 35079
    Here is a really good article. Explaining what positions a typical conserative and typical liberal will have on issues. 


    This post was edited by my2cents at September 2, 2019 3:07 PM MDT
      September 2, 2019 2:49 PM MDT

  • 2836
    Can we state the obvious?  This is wildly outdated (2005) and most of this does not apply to who we have as president now or the people who support him.

    Let's talk death penalty...

    Death Penalty

    The death penalty should be abolished.  It is inhumane and is ‘cruel and unusual’ punishment.  Imprisonment is the appropriate punishment for murder.  Every execution risks killing an innocent person.
    The death penalty is a punishment that fits the crime of murder; it is neither ‘cruel’ nor ‘unusual.’  Executing a murderer is the appropriate punishment for taking an innocent life.

    This removes conservatives from the "Pro-Life" table. Life is life and it is not up to anyone to determine who should live or die.  So-called "Pro-Lifers" (aka anti-abortionists) like to take this moral high ground but when it uncomfortable topics such as in the case of a convicted murderer, they become mushy and convoluted in their reasoning.  There have been many instances in the US where innocent people have been put to death. In fact, the US is one of only a few civilized countries with the death penalty. Do we really need to be on the list with the rest of these cats?   
    • Afghanistan
    • Antigua and Barbuda
    • Bahamas
    • Bahrain
    • Bangladesh
    • Barbados
    • Belarus
    • Belize
    • Botswana
    • Chad
    • China
    • Comoros
    • Cuba
    • Democratic Republic of the Congo
    • Dominica
    • Egypt
    • Equatorial Guinea
    • Ethiopia
    • Guyana
    • India
    • Indonesia
    • Iran
    • Iraq
    • Japan
    • Jamaica
    • Jordan
    • Kuwait
    • Lesotho
    • Libya
    • Nigeria
    • North Korea
    • Oman
    • Pakistan
    • Saudi Arabia
    • Singapore
    • Somalia
    • South Sudan
    • St Kitts and Nevis
    • St Lucia
    • St Vincent and the Grenadines
    • Sudan
    • Syria
    • Taiwan
    • Thailand
    • Trinidad and Tobago
    • Uganda
    • United Arab Emirates
    • United States of America
    • Vietnam
    • Yemen
    • Zimbabwe

    In fact...We do not live by Hammurabi's code.  As a Christian, I follow and believe in Christ's own words. 
    Eye for Eye

    38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[h] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. 41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

    Christ does not advocate for capital punishment, but against it. 

    This article link you presented was prepared by a highly partisan group called  Student News Daily  When perusing the site and looking at the presidential candidates, I clicked the one for Trump It came up with a Campaign announcement and pointed to a rally where you can buy tickets to attendhttps://www.donaldjtrump.com

    While this site is very well made and has some useful information, it is  heavily biased towards conservatism 

    This post was edited by Jon at September 2, 2019 5:30 PM MDT
      September 2, 2019 5:21 PM MDT

  • 23846
    And, to me, capital punishment seems to be saying - - "To make sure we show people that killing people is wrong, we're going to kill you."

    Makes no sense to me.
      September 2, 2019 5:33 PM MDT

  • 2836
    Me neither. 
    There have been many innocent people executed. One person falsely executed is 1 to many and should stop capital punishment ASAP

    I officially proclaim myself PRO-LIFE for being anti-capital punishment lol

    Thank you for weighing in my comment, Welby. Executions  are barbaric This post was edited by Jon at September 2, 2019 6:42 PM MDT
      September 2, 2019 5:53 PM MDT

  • 23846
    Yup, I agree on all counts.

    And you're welcome.

      September 2, 2019 6:43 PM MDT

  • 35079
    Does not matter if they are or are not partisan. The issues and general positions of the parties on these issues are correct. If not then please explain what is incorrect.

    You can argue semantics if you want about prolife being an appropiate term. But as I said permission is not needed from you or anyone else. 

    This post was edited by my2cents at September 2, 2019 8:40 PM MDT
      September 2, 2019 7:11 PM MDT

  • 2836
    I have no idea what you are saying.
    I'm not arguing semantics, just stating facts. "Pro-Live" is a disingenuous term appropriated by certain groups for their agenda. 

    I am Pro-Life because I am anti-war,  anti-death-penalty, Healthcare for ALL as a basic human right, and ending homelessness & Hunger.
    That is what makes a person Pro-Life and this is what I believe Christ stands for.
      September 2, 2019 8:40 PM MDT

  • 35079
    You are arguing over the word being used (Pro-Life)....that is arguing over semanitics. 

    Now, what in the article is incorrect about the typical positions on the issues listed?

    This post was edited by my2cents at September 3, 2019 4:38 AM MDT
      September 3, 2019 4:36 AM MDT

  • 2836
    I stand by all my commentary.

    If you read what I wrote, I said that the entire piece is "Biased" against Liberalism.
      September 3, 2019 4:52 AM MDT

  • 35079
    What is misrepresented? I see everything explained pretty straight forward.  Again tell me what is wrong with the article? So far everything you posted agree with it. You are against death penalty and are Pro-Choice. I am opposite on both. So what does the article have wrong? 
      September 3, 2019 5:15 AM MDT

  • 2706
    In a generic sense, a conservative position is one that clings to (conserves) the status quo. It wants to keep things the way they are (Constitution, Amendments, etc). In American society, the conservative (politically speaking) point of view is based on the attempt to hold on to the principles of our founding. These founding principles were expressed, particularly, by such ideals as life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness (property rights), freedom of conscience, freedom of expression, the primacy of the individual, and the like. 

      That being said and the bottom line for me is, I do not start with political principles and shape my life around those. Rather, I start with the Bible and shape my political thoughts from it. In other words, to the degree, American conservatism aligns with what the Bible teaches, I am a conservative.
      September 3, 2019 1:43 AM MDT