"Trust me and we'll get rich," you said."I've got a great plan," you said. "It's fool-proof," you said. "Come on, it won't be like the last time," you said."There's absol... more"Trust me and we'll get rich," you said."I've got a great plan," you said. "It's fool-proof," you said. "Come on, it won't be like the last time," you said."There's absolutely no way we can get caught," you said."Every angle is covered," you said. "Don't worry about our being on parole, we won't even be seen," you said.
A FREE PRESS is guaranteed by The Constitution. What has more power? A head of state intent on having his way on everything or a political body that fights to preserve the spirit a... moreA FREE PRESS is guaranteed by The Constitution. What has more power? A head of state intent on having his way on everything or a political body that fights to preserve the spirit and letter of The Constitution? Will the political body be able to withstand the demands of the head of state or will roll over and do his bidding?