Families showed up planning to spend the holiday day there at the beach and they had paid. They were turned away. Can they sue Guv Christie? His approval rating is 15% right now. W... moreFamilies showed up planning to spend the holiday day there at the beach and they had paid. They were turned away. Can they sue Guv Christie? His approval rating is 15% right now. Why is it so high?
Does that get you off the hook for LYING yesterday? All it does is acknowledge what you didn't do when you were supposed to do it. Do you predate a form to conform to w... moreDoes that get you off the hook for LYING yesterday? All it does is acknowledge what you didn't do when you were supposed to do it. Do you predate a form to conform to what you should have done when you should have done it? I don't get the purpose. Do you?
She allegedly used her political influence to obtain bank loans for Burlington College (no longer around). How does a pol use clout to get a bank loan? What clout did she have sinc... moreShe allegedly used her political influence to obtain bank loans for Burlington College (no longer around). How does a pol use clout to get a bank loan? What clout did she have since Bernie had no power to effect anything? I'm not clear on HOW a bank loan should be configured so that a Pol can be treated like any other citizen seeking a loan. Are you? What exactly did Jane Sanders do?