If You Don’t Want Police To Shoot You, Don’t Resist Arrest
It saddens me that what little is left of the black civil rights movement is spent defending thugs, hustlers, drug dealer... moreIf You Don’t Want Police To Shoot You, Don’t Resist Arrest
It saddens me that what little is left of the black civil rights movement is spent defending thugs, hustlers, drug dealers, and troublemakers such as Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, Alton Sterling, and Philando Castile. Can you believe we’ve gone from honorable causes like fighting for the right of black people to attend college to defending black criminals who foolishly mouth off against, run away from, and fight with the police; police who are putting their lives on the line to protect us from criminals?
Can’t the protestors at least defend young black men of honor, quiet heroes going against the grain by wearing their pants around their waist; refusing thuggery, weed-smoking, and hustling; those who marry one woman, have all their kids with that one woman, proactively raise those kids to be successful, productive citizens, and love only their wife and no other woman; those who work an honest job with integrity, intensity, and discipline, n... less
This was President Obama speaking at the memorial service in Dallas today. How can the police fix all the problems people are facing and doing crazy things? We call on the police f... moreThis was President Obama speaking at the memorial service in Dallas today. How can the police fix all the problems people are facing and doing crazy things? We call on the police for all the problems, if you have noticed.
The difference is thus: If you're a guard, in one scenario, your role is to HOUSE, FEED, and PROTECT your charges.. In the other, your role is to make it as MISERABLE as ... moreHello:
The difference is thus: If you're a guard, in one scenario, your role is to HOUSE, FEED, and PROTECT your charges.. In the other, your role is to make it as MISERABLE as you can..
I happen to know that prisons don't have air-conditioning for prisoners. The heat here in Texas gets to 120 F. some summers. That is really hot! I wonder how many prisoners die wit... moreI happen to know that prisons don't have air-conditioning for prisoners. The heat here in Texas gets to 120 F. some summers. That is really hot! I wonder how many prisoners die with that kind of heat.