If that's whom you are then of course you have to maintain consistency. There is no room for improvement there. You are already your perfect self. Never tell the truth. Always lie.... moreIf that's whom you are then of course you have to maintain consistency. There is no room for improvement there. You are already your perfect self. Never tell the truth. Always lie. Who could ask for anything more of you or from you?
America is the butt of the joke. Which joke? Take your pick. Is it America's obsession with guns? Is it that the prez is Donald John Trump? The laughter gets louder day by day. Cur... moreAmerica is the butt of the joke. Which joke? Take your pick. Is it America's obsession with guns? Is it that the prez is Donald John Trump? The laughter gets louder day by day. Currently it is thunderous. Give it time. It will be deafening, eardrum shattering and we shall all be deaf. SIGH.
What do you expect from a relatively young country still wet behind the ears no longer in its infancy but certainly still adolescent, pimply and uncontrollably erratic. SIGH. Will ... moreWhat do you expect from a relatively young country still wet behind the ears no longer in its infancy but certainly still adolescent, pimply and uncontrollably erratic. SIGH. Will the country every grow up?
Talk about turning the other cheek! How many times do you have to get slapped before you finally figure out that the slapper is totally nuts and needs to be put away so he will not... moreTalk about turning the other cheek! How many times do you have to get slapped before you finally figure out that the slapper is totally nuts and needs to be put away so he will not slap another day?