Allegedly Corporations have never been so profitable but that can't be true. It's all a bigly lie. They've all suffered devastating losses and are in the red and their stockhodlers... moreAllegedly Corporations have never been so profitable but that can't be true. It's all a bigly lie. They've all suffered devastating losses and are in the red and their stockhodlers have lost billions and billions of dollars and the economy is in the toilet because we all know that it takes a Republican to provide all that's good in life and Democrats always don't. Do I have that right?
I'm dissatisfied right now, so I may as well do boring, important duties and tasks because I am miserable anyway. Mentally. Because I am too much of a slack... moreI'm dissatisfied right now, so I may as well do boring, important duties and tasks because I am miserable anyway. Mentally. Because I am too much of a slacker if I don't have to do something. It makes me antsy. I do nothing because I feel I have earned it. God it is so easy to be lazy if you are me. It is my favorite damned thing.I am happy being a freaking lump.